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Everything posted by irakmata

  1. Please Spiked, explain better how can I use Left Shift for walking. I'm a little bit stupid :-S
  2. It's the time for Obsidian give us modding tools. Don't you think?
  3. Hi!! I have a problem. When I do double click on the .exe, nothing happens. The game doesn't start and doesn't appear in task manager as process. Before the game I worked perfectly but suddenly stopped working. What's wrong? I tried re-installing the game, video drivers, C++runtime, Directx... I'm desperate, I want to play!!!! Please, HELP!!!!!
  4. Was that with APEngine file I've submitted few posts ago? I can imagine that it wouldn't add any visual value (as there isn't anything related to DX10 in shaders used by AP) but I was hoping that, thanks to backward compatibility and improved calculations, it could help to run the game smoother with my over-the-top visual tweaks. Ah - btw - seems that shaders might be easily editable as they're not packed. Unless some of them were altered by Obsidian and these original UE3 shaders are obsolete. We'll see - for me first priority would be altering how packs are "cooked" to get rid of lag spikes and excessive HD activity in some areas. Secondly - to teach Mike how to walk instead of constant running. Finally to map minigames controls to arrow keys without use of 3rd party applications and create gadgets shortcuts accessible during a fight without any need of using in-game menu. I'm afraid that it might be impossible without making some new scripts. Theoretically it's possible to create user-made content and adding it through +seekfreepacket and content cooking folders through the ini files. Haven't looked into the subject to say anything for sure, though. ---------------------------------- 1,880 thread views after only two days of existence... seems that people are really interested in the subject... For me is imperative, in addition to the points exposed, a improve of Mike animations. These aren't bad however are too fast and Thorton moves like supersonic agent. This ruins the (little) realism of the game, what I see on the screen i don't believe it despite of nice graphics and it's sad. If there was a way to change the animations speed modifying only .INI files... If you could assign a key to walk could also be used for stealth mode, which also has two animations (stealth slow and stealh fast).
  5. I think I tried everything with no results. But should be capable of being modified...
  6. I want to modify (speed) the very fast transition "Cover - Aiming" Any ideas???
  7. i remember the times this stuff came with patches. (battlefield anyone?) it was like an excuse for the problems that a patch was even necessary, other companies did it just for the cudos of the fanbase (like CDPR) - its because of greedy companies (most of them by now) and people who are actually paying for stuff that was free once, this times had changed. Anyway, back on topic: please fix: (PC) white line on bottom of screen when turning the camera around fast. faster texture caching. (i know its a general unreal engine problem, but other companies solved it too, to some extend) Game freezes after around 1h of playing, i have to alt+tab to desktop and back to continue playing. (unfreezes game) Fix AI problems - lots of them and most important (for me more worth then all the other fixes together) give us modding tools - with this, people would be able to fix the game by them selfes and you could start your work on alpha protocol2, console bug fixes or just go on vacation.. I totally agree. Please Obsidian, contact with us and discuss this issue.
  8. This actually works quite well, but Mike feels really slow now... What does it do? Magically add in more animation blending? All I want is to be able to tweak some particle effects and maybe switch some models around. Can't be too hard. Not magically, but improves the absurd speed animation, especially in the direction changes of character. It just a little tweak but necessary :D Mike now seems slow because you're used to see him move at the speed of light
  9. Change these valors in APGame.ini (My Documents) InteractDistance=250 CoverWalkSpeed=75.f CoverRunSpeed=125.f PlayerRotationSpeed=80000.0f MoveSpeedNormal=240 MoveSpeedScoped=80 SprintSpeed=320 This should improve the animations and player speed. ;-)
  10. It's a NGS Cobra. It's compatible with all games, except Alpha Protocol. Nonsense.
  11. Jack Bauer's MODE ON Damnit!!!!! Jack Bauer's MODE OFF
  12. Then, my question changes to... it's possible repack .upk music files?? :D
  13. I tried to play Alpha Protocol with pad in my PC, but the game not recognize it. There is only one option the says "Use X360 controller". I can only play with a 360 controller?? WTF
  14. Only a question... I can use my own music??
  15. Ah! And bonus track: Change these valors in APGame.ini (My Documents) InteractDistance=250 CoverWalkSpeed=75.f CoverRunSpeed=125.f PlayerRotationSpeed=80000.0f MoveSpeedNormal=240 MoveSpeedScoped=80 SprintSpeed=320 This should improve the animations and player speed. ;-)
  16. Here it is my real weapon names file (Spanish version) with new real descriptions of each weapon. Enjoy it. Thanks to Mikael Grizzly and zkylon for their support. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GWHQ42B6
  17. Not exactly. I supose are IA weapons from the enemies. Could be weapons for DLC??
  18. I made Spanish version of real weapons, with long real descriptions of each weapon. In the game are weapons like FN P90, M16A2, M16A4, Type86... Maybe someone wants to upload the file...
  19. Sorry Mikael but Hamilton pistol is a S&W M&P.40 not a Sig P250.
  20. Please, I need the real names for these weapons: * Shotgun Hamilton * Sub machine gun UC * Pistol Hamilton
  21. Thanks!!! But... Hamilton 12 Assault Rifle = FN SCAR CQC (Close Quartet Combat) Mk.16
  22. Almost everything in Alpha Protocol are text files. The root is C:\Program Files\SEGA\Alpha Protocol\APGame\Localization\(your language) The files could be open by a text editor like WordPad.
  23. Another one. Rittergruppen = HK G36C
  24. Thanks but I need the the info as in the example to modify the game file. Thanks anyway.
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