This game ranks along side 'Too Human' in the category of 'What an Amazing let down. Let me break it down:
BTW, I'm playing on 360
I'm pretty sure I covered all of these missions when the game was called GoldenEye. It also looked about the same then. You're a slug in this game, a game that railroads you into areas where your 'stealth' is nigh but useless. Enemies barrel at you, making Martial Arts worthless in many situations, which was a nice surprise after I sunk a few points into it. The whole game is supposed to be based around choice and your ability to solve problems as you please, but then gives you problems with few solutions (if it's more than 1). Most of the skills are useless and some of them are a necessity, regardless of your playstyle.
The plot is pretty cut and dry, and the lovely part about is it that it's done in flashbacks so you actually get to hear about the upcoming interesting part/character before you even start in a new area. It's like making a thread saying 'No Spoilers' and then telling you which super secret character you're going to meet along the way.
The weapon customization is a high point, aside from the fact that many of them feel quite useless. When you unload your shotgun into a guy's chest from 5ft away and he doesn't drop, you'll wonder how you ever lived long enough to be a spy. Pistols (and I love me a good pistol) feel like a kid's bb gun, again I noticed this after sinking a few points into them.
The whole of the game is frustration, there was potential here and it just fails on so many lvls, combat is either sluggish or frenetic. You'll stalk a guy down a hallway, dodging cameras, setting up for your kill, only to walk into 4 guys with machine guns, at which point you'll wonder where the 'run' function is. At best I could manage a ramble, or a mosey, down the hallway under a hail of bullets.
Cover is poorly implemented and when you go searching for some, only to find out that particular object doesn't offer it, again, frustration.
The mini games are a joke, they require no thought aside from staring intently at the screen till you see the part you need to press. If this represented the real life complexity of a computer hack, I'm pretty sure my grandmother would be making millions right now.
The whole game is a sham, covering up a farce designed to trick you into playing a lie. You have no control, there is no choice. Everything is going to happen regardless of what you do and how you do it. Obsidian made a very poor game and when I next see that guy I don't really like, who told me it was going to be shiat, I will have to eat my words and tell him he was right.
I suppose on the whole, I was hoping for something like Thief meets Mass Effect. I think the game I bought was Money meets Bad Design Team.