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About Xeionkalos

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  1. An interesting concept to see added is a dynamic weather system that brings both additional challenges and perhaps special events. Building on this, weather can be broken up into five seperate categories: Sunny (normal), Heat waves (sizzling effect applied to players if not in shade, thirst is increased, dew drops no longer spawn during event, food spoils quicker, stamina is cut by half), Snow storms (coats the land in snow which could be used as a new resource to keep food from spoiling/smoothie ingredients, frosting effect applied to players if not around a heat source or inside base, dew drops and standing water ice over), Thunder showers (aesthetic-only lightning and thunder, rain can function similarly to underwater bubbles- drowning effect is applied inside raindrops, drenched effect is applied to players which causes them to move slower and slightly decreases stamina, flying bugs will not fly, maybe wind can be implemented to cause SLOW gradual damage to exposed base parts- example: 5% damage applied to overall exposed base part per each thundershower event), and Fog (visibility drastically reduced, increased creature spawn rate).
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