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About Kitton

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  1. I am a gamer that loves to create and build. Grounded has a great building system but it could be even more awesome with some new building pieces I wish we had. -We have horizontal half walls, what about vertical half walls? For any wall type and even for the current horizontal half walls, making them quarter walls. Sometimes I don't want to entirely close off a space but still have some sort of devider. -And sometimes I feel a bit limited with the stairs, or don't feel like having greens stairs in my builds that don't use any grass. Stem stairs and half stairs would be pretty neat to have too. -Let's talk about the stem half wall and let's be honest, it's a great railing but as a wall.. it doesn't blend into the full stem walls for let's say, when you make a tower of specific height. -How cool would it be if we could provide more detail and structure to our bases with horizontal beams, this is mostly an aesthetic request. -Next up, roofs. My castle outpost towers of 1 square look a bit silly with the dome pieces, but other than the flat roof piece, nothing really works for it. So I'd love to see the dome piece but squared. Also the peaked pieces, there's no triangle wall pieces that fill in the gaps that that roof piece has, just a little finishing touch. And my last purely aesthetic request: being able to paint structures like the working bench and the production buildings To whoever reads this, feel free to drop your idea's on this post!
  2. It is, or should be, still there, you have to be insanely close to it. I thought mine was gone too. I just tried it, it was on the structure on the water of the pond, I had to be pretty much on the structure itself to have it render in.
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