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Everything posted by PotionDweller

  1. I just got done playing STONEKEEP a first-person dungeon crawler from 1995. My cousin got it for Christmas when I was a little kid and I got to play a little bit of it but never too much. (I remember opening a door and seeing a goblin with a sword and getting jump scared as it killed me. I had just gotten done killing a lot of ants and thought I was backtracking the way I came from - when in reality I went a totally different way.) It always intrigued me as a kid and I loved dungeon crawlers. My first being Dungeon Master on the SNES which my cousin and I went through together in the summer once so it was always on the back of my mind as I've been doing a lot of research into first person ARPGS as of late I figured I'd give it a go. Well, it definitely has a ton of issues. Was still a great game, but man hindsight is 20-20 for sure. Having items display their names and an inventory that was larger than 5x1 would have been a huge help. There is a lot of vagueness to the game and the puzzle solving definitely felt rewarding, but it also required you to understand the designer's thought process. I remember getting a magical orb that I had no way of knowing what it did. I clicked it to use it and it made a noise but nothing happened. I tried it in a specific spot and it seemed to teleport me to a different area before warping me back. (Initially I dropped the orb after teleporting and wasn't able to get back to it.) Turns out the orb wasn't teleporting me, it was levitating me upwards to a hole on the ceiling you barely would notice unless you looked very closely. A lot of puzzles like that in this game. One I figured out through sheer luck of remembering a spell existed that shrunk things that I got about 15 hours earlier in the game and never found a use for up until that point. Combat was fun, but also extremely punishing early on and in late game. Most of the time I felt like I had to run away and throw things or cheese enemies at doorways they couldn't go through. I know the backup and throw stuff at monsters is common to a lot of dungeon crawlers, but it really just felt over the top in stone keep until you found the magic staffs and ways to recharge them. Still for its flaws there were a lot of interesting ideas. Namely the rune system for magic.
  2. Hi there, I'm an amateur solo dev working in Unreal and have been doing research on first person action RPGs because of my love of the old 90s/00s games like Arx Fatallis, Ultima Underworld, Morrowind, and other TES games, and my desire to replicate the feel I got from those games in my own project. I stumbled upon information about Obsidian working on Avowed while researching these perspectives of games today and figured I'd stop on by. There isn't much available about the project right now from what I can tell online, but I am very interested and glad to see a studio working on a style I think is very underdone. I am sure there isn't much you can share right now because of NDAs, but I'd love to discuss these styles of games with fellow enthusiasts. I know there is an avowed section where discussion goes on specifically around it, but I felt this would be better under the Dev corner as I plan to discuss what I am working on to some extent with my game. I guess my main question would be, what made Obsidian decide to make a first person RPG action adventure? I'm familiar with outer worlds and I know you have worked on games I have enjoyed greatly like Pillars of Eternity so it feels like the engine and enjoyment is there! I'm guessing you guys just felt the time was right? For me, it has been far too long since I've played a new one. The last game I'd even consider to have elements of it was Kingdom Come Deliverance, which did what it did extremely well, but it didn't scratch my fantasy itch. Right now my game is very simple, working with some C++ and blueprint coding I am trying to build a basic combat system where you take a fighter through a small dungeon in search of a mcguffin. I plan to get the combat down feeling right and then build up slowly from there. Inventory, leveling, weapon variety and then eventually introduce skills and magic along with classes, skills, and races. What's an RPG without some customization after all!? Oh, if you guys do have any experience with making games Modding friendly and any advice I'd appreciate it! I know Unreal has a few plugins you can use, but any nuggets of wisdom from a dev are always helpful too! I wish you guys the best of luck with yours and I look forward to seeing more about it. I'd love to pick your dev team's brain on decisions you're making - but I know that's likely not possible right now! (Maybe a post mortem someday?) -PD
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