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Everything posted by Kalesar
Will Obsidian end up with another Jefferson?
Kalesar replied to Morgoth's topic in Computer and Console
Atari is apparently doing something wrong. This is the second time this year they are getting sued over something to do with D&D. If you read over the court docs that describe what Turbine sued them for, it sounds like they not only failed to help fund the release of DDO in North America, but then again in Europe. Turbine is apparently capable of surviving a release bomb... considering they spent their own money on the two major releases of DDO without help from Atari. http://www.courthousenews.com/2009/08/26/Atari.pdf -
Ok gonna try a different approach. Draw with no shading or color and then print off copies to color. Got a new dwarf that I'm gonna try this with. Why is it always dual wielding drow? Why never a dual axe weilding dwarf? Ok, ok.. so there was Gimli. Still trying to decide on how I want to have this guys personality in the modules I plan to make. But pretty sure he is going to be heavy on the dual weild feats. Just seems odd though that one of the stout folk would ever be more dexterous than strong or durable.
Those are sweet. I can never get shading done that well. Even when I have something to look at to see the shading I can never get it to look right. This was one I did from highschool with an ink pen. So many dots.... Drove me nuts. My instructor said that I wasnt done yet but my hand felt differently. It didnt want to move anymore. In it, at least the shading is in the right places. Unlike the other drawings I have posted which has lights where there shouldnt be any.
? I did expect someone being a critic. But in order to be a critic I would think you would have to state why it shows no talent. And I didn't paint them. <sarcasm> Being such a great judge of artistic talent, I would have expected you to see that. </sarcasm> I know that these arn't great masterpeices. At no point did I ever claim that I was a great artist. I just wanted to share my pictures with a comunity who I thought would like them. To come to a gaming message board and attack someone with such insults as "complete lack of talent" and implying that they need therapy tells me that you are the one in need of therapy.
Couldnt decide how I wanted this guy to look. Personaly think I did best on the orc and the guy with the fro. The second of these tho wasnt so bad. Looks like he has a little captian in him in that one. :D I think its because I just had a much better Idea of how I wanted them to look at the beginning that I did better on the first ones.
A Dorf Im just gonna claim that those things that look like knee cap thingys are acctualy shin guard thingys. Realized the longer I made his legs the longer the shaft of the hammer got and had to cut him short
Drew another pic. On a roll now. Decided since I have forever till NWN2 (forever because I am extremely impatient) I would draw schetches of the people I plan to use as NPCs in mods I plan to make. This guy was originaly inspired by one of my friends characters that he used during our PnP sessions a few years back. I have made some adjustments. He was origanaly a specialty priest of Azuth and was known amongst our little group as THE Magistrati, since we only ever had one... Otherwise known as Lucas. His hair, my friend explained was magicaly enchanted similar to a bag of holding... Thus we called it... The Hair of Holding. There he kept things like small wands. magic components, small gems and such. Eventualy he had reached a level in high teens and was in command of a sort of theives guild in Sigil. My friend called them the South Side Sigilites.... Clueless prime I thought... Sigil has no south side... He of course would proudly proclaim, "thats the whole point.. that way the 'man' (referring to the harmonium) would never find their hideout"... Shortly after I proclaimed that this session of characters should be retired, ocasionaly using the silly gang and its even more silly leader for NPCs. In one of my modules I have planned the character Lucas will be changed to a theif with some magic devices. Possibly posing as a Magistrati using his use magical device to appear as such a character to the clueless population of a small Cormyr farming community.
Be nice.. its my first drawing in almost 6 years. For some reason stopped drawing when I graduated from highschool. Also doing this because Im not entirely sure how to post pics in this forum yet and giving it a try.
Where do you believe the true majority lies?
Kalesar replied to Kalesar's topic in Computer and Console
Been doing some looking and found something about sales for pc games at gamespy. # Top Selling PC Games (by $) for 11/28/04 - 12/04/04 Sales Ratio 1 World of Warcraft 2 Half-Life 2 3 The Sims 2 4 Zoo Tycoon 5 Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 6 The Sims 2: Special Edition 7 Sid Meier's Pirates! 8 Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault: Director's Edition 9 Rome: Total War 10 Doom 3 Also found some less current info about percentages of sales from 2003 clicky Console game players most often purchased action (27.1%), sports (17.6 %), and racing titles (15.7%), role-playing games (8.7%), fighting games (6.9%), family entertainment (4.7%), and shooter games (4.6%). Computer gamers, however, most often purchased strategy games (27.1%), children's entertainment games (14.5%) and shooter games (13.5%), followed by family entertainment titles (9.5%), role-playing games (8.7%), sports titles (5.8%), racing (4.4%), adventure (3.9%), and simulation games (3.5%). Overall tho the Console sales (186.4 million units) are much greater than computer ones (52.8 million units). So action games on console holds the vast majority for 2003 it seems. In fact by those numbers the action games on console were roughly 50.5 million units alone. Combined Roleplaying was about 20.8 billion. What do you suppose causes these numbers? I would say PCs are built to handle strategy games better than console, and console not generaly built better for action but there are probly just more action games made for console. Also wonder what games were classified as what category and whether or not they had games like Diablo in the action category or RPG. -
Where do you believe the true majority lies?
Kalesar replied to Kalesar's topic in Computer and Console
I really would like to see where you are getting this information. A link perhaps? -
Where do you believe the true majority lies?
Kalesar replied to Kalesar's topic in Computer and Console
Just wondering but where and how have you gathered this information? Perhaps a link to a website that shows acctual results of detailed research in the subject would help. No offence, but I just dont believe there is any one gamer group that is vastly larger than others and that they have in anyway affected the creation of games. -
Often times I will see a post with someone saying "its because so and so fans are the majority that so and so game is made to cater to them" or "this game doesnt do this because so and so majority would not buy the game with it" Where do they get this information on who is the majority? Acctual statistical facts on the subject, and how were those stats gathered anyways. The choices in the poll above I can maby see as difficult to decide. Think of it this way for an example: What are top 5 most favorite games. If they are BG, BG2, PST, FO, IWD then you obviously are the Complex RPG gamer. If they are BG2, Black and White, Doom 3, Madden <insert year here>, and Homeworld then you are probably a True Gamer. Its pretty hard still for some of us I would think so lets just say that if 3 of the top 5 are of one category then you belong to that category, If no no more than 2 of any category then True Gamer. I myself cant even decide which 5 games are truly my favorites. And seeing as how I find many types of games to be great I consider myself a True Gamer. I love variety and like single theme games like Starcraft as well as games like BG which I consider to be acctual strategy/complex rpg. I greatly look forward to some all encompasing game that has single character Complex RPG mixed with some form of mass war Strategy and a little bit of Action Adventure and seamlessly shifts from the different elements during the game... One can dream can't they. This thread, of course, can also be used for just discussion about your thoughts on Gamer groups and their influance on the gaming market, how they affect games that come out and such.
Im here because I would love to have a great DnD game with a toolset. NWN failed me in that. It was just incomplete in my oppinion. Im here years before the game even comes out because there really isnt anything else better to do during the 30 minute spans of time between calls at my workplace. I do occasionly check up on Dragon Age as well. I really couldnt imagine anyone here not being interested in both given the background that they both come from. I dont really try online NWN as not many of my friends were that into it, but play MMORPGS alot. I am looking to get good tools for building single player mods and small group dm controlled mods for my friends and myself. So I guess im a builder. But I also want a good story to come with the game as I enjoy single player games and I am a Gamer... Not Roleplayer or Powergamer... Just Gamer.
Ok well... Im bored... I need a new game and dont know what to get. Im not all that much into shooters although some have been fun. Mostly looking for some rpgs to tide me over until NWN2. Spose I should list the games I already own to narrow the responses. BG and tales of the sword coast BG2 and throne of Bhaal PST NWN SoU HotU IWD Heart of winter and trials of luremaster IWD 2 Mechwarrior 4, black knight expansion and mercenarys Dungeon Siege American McGee's Alice (hey it was kinda fun acctualy) Drakan Summoner Ground control II Dungeon Keeper 2 (there needs to be more games like this btw) Vampire redemption and bloodlines NOX Age of empires II age of kings Armed and Dangerous Giants Citezen Kabuto Sacrifice Homeworld Homeworld 2 Homeworld Cataclysm Soul Reaver 2 Doom 3 Diablo (all of them but the expansion to Diablo 2) Dont think i want that tho Command and conqure (not really into these games tho) Septerra Core Arcanum (although i never got out of the first village, bought a better game at same time and never went back and played it... maby ill play this one) Age of wonders Gothic 1 and 2 Black and white and creature Isle Warcraft 2 and expansion Warcraft 3 and expansion WOW its fun but i just cant play any more MMORPGs, see next line for why) DAOC (when you have 13 50th level characters.... its time to stop) FF XI SWG Starcraft and expansion Some old Kings quest game Total Anahilation Kingdoms (there really isnt a suckier game) Darkiablo..... err Darkstone Omnikron Orb (really not as good as Homeworld if you yourself are wondering) Art of magic (ok so i was wrong, there is a game worse than Total Anahilation Kingdoms) Sim City 2000 and streets of sim city whoo hoo (no sims please) Kingdom under fire.. or warcraft 2.5... depends on how you look at it. Wow i acctualy have an everquest cd.. thought i returned that.. Tribes 2 (downloaded patches for 4 hours.. played for 15 min) Lords of the realm 2 and 3 Lords of Magic Warhammer 40k Enclave Star wars force commander Star trek armada Star trek new worlds (didnt finish the last three but have no interest in trying them again) I also bought some perimeter game a while back and havnt really tried much more than the tutorial, does it get good? or is everything always so small? Oh forgot my PS and PS2 games. suffice to say, i have all the ff games out in america so far, and not much else, Brigadine and some others but they are in the closet and im too lazy to dig them out now.
What do you usualy use math for in making a game?
Kalesar replied to Kalesar's topic in Developers' Corner
Math is acctualy pretty easy for me. Got my final grades for this last semester and for a class in which I did exactly 0% of the daily work and showed up every third day of class I still got a B. Its just kinda boring. Perhaps a better question is what part (if any) of making a game doesnt require high end math? My guess is things that have more to do with rules, or possibly AI programming. -
Just wondering. I have only ever taken finite math at college and im just not getting where it would be usefull in programming. That might have something to do with all my programming classes never having any math done in the programs we write. In my finite math class we covered things like probabilities and permutations and I just didnt see any point in knowing all of that. There was also some arrays that were nothing like arrays in programming and stuff like finding equation of a line. Is that because finite math isnt the one that I probably should have taken to be a programmer? Or is the math more for computer artists? Or perhaps I should have taken the class at a later time in the day so I got more than 5 hours of sleep before going... or... maby I should have gone every day... heck.. every other day would have been more consistent than my attendance.