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Everything posted by devyn231

  1. I'm thankful for the feature that fixes bugs that are stuck—but would prefer that it has unlimited use, only because bugs will/do get stuck later on in gameplay. More so now that bugs can attack your base, getting stuck all over as they swarm your fortress. Some of the issues I've had are, * Weevils get stuck in the ground frequently, only showing their shell as they try to walk. * Fireflies become stuck near or in my waterdrop catcher—helps to place lower than higher to help avoid the issue, but still happens from time to time. * Ants looking for food, becoming stuck in nearby rocks or the base floors/walls. That's why I'd like the Unstuck Fix feature to be use without limitations.
  2. Would love to see this happen!
  3. I just suggested the use of Bug Guts/Juice for paint/tattoo's in the future. This would be awesome for shield decal's as well!
  4. In the future, perhaps a DLC, I'd like to see us being able to use bug guts/bug juice to change/paint the color (doesn't have to be a lot) of items we build. Perhaps even allowing us to add tattoo's to our characters. I feel that would be a fun addition.
  5. As a solo player, pet taming would be a nice asset, for something to take hits if I decide to go the Bow/Arrow, Fists, Dagger route. Otherwise I spend too much time trying to cheese the kills.
  6. That would be a great addition!
  7. I'd like to see an option to move Zip Line placements around in build mode, rather than having to build a new one each time when things do not line up correctly, causing characters to smack into tall stalks of grass, dandelions and such.
  8. Occasionally my PC freezes / crashes when I am crafting Ladders. Once I load the game back up and resume building, it works fine, however, this has happened a handful of times.
  9. Perhaps crafting an ice box from stems and incorporating ice cubes somewhere appropriate that we need to hammer out to fill the ice box.
  10. Coolers to keep meat fresh Dragonfly Butterfly (perhaps for some sort of fast travel?)
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