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Anon cannon

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Everything posted by Anon cannon

  1. You would hate my storage system then… yikes.
  2. Like bruh, if I wanted in first person I would go in first person myself thank you.
  3. Yeah what? We gotta google and search through thousands of sites to figure out what our mutation does? Like should it be obvious that you should tell us what the perk does?
  4. All the orc bugs are weak to sour. You just don’t see that in the game.
  5. Yes, give us portable lag sticks. I am kidding of course
  6. you mean neutral right? Because making bugs non hostile with a small device could be broken. So like, you can still make them hostile by attacking them. Also, how would it work in raids? Maybe it would help to ward, some of the bugs away. Or maybe it would give a better chance to spawn less enemies during a raid. Most bugs don’t go near your base unless it it a raid. what bugs would it work against, would you have to make different ones to work on different bugs? I like the idea and the motive. But where does this idea go beyond just simply being an idea.
  7. Yeah, that is fair. I removed that part, I can see how that was a bit aggressive.
  8. I think it’s would fit because we don’t really have much in terms of both Gas defense and damage resist. so like instead of having to have a gas mask or use ranged attacks. You could wear Green-shield big armpit to prevent gas attacks. Yes it would be very specific for the armor, it would only really be viable going after stinkbug types. Even though it could be useful for other things. I am just throwing out a suggestion on how it might work. But; I am thinking each piece of armor adds a slight bit of gas protection. The set bonus will allow you to prevent full gas. The sleek bonus could give you resistance to other effects too, the main two I am thinking of are Pollen and Acid attacks. But you only get resist to those with the sleek bonus, otherwise you can only have gas resist. now, maybe you don’t get to have full gas protection or maybe you do. I am thinking the green shield bug armor would work as this games version of a hazmat suit. I don’t know, it isn’t my game. But I would like to see the green-shield bugs be used for more than super gas arrows. Though I am not really sure what else they are useful for. If someone else knows, perhaps letting me know. But for now I don’t see them as much of a useful purpose outside of super gas arrows.
  9. I mean if you want to use quartzite as a weapon and not as a upgrade tool then sure, you do you.
  10. Not until they fix multiplayer; D-sync, and ping issues.
  11. In all honesty, I disagree. I would hate for the game to push people to take that option not letting them know the infected would spread out after sealing. You only need to go there for like 2 reasons, the lab which once you are in you don’t need your gas mask, you can tell because your gas durability bar at the top goes away. Or to get fungus for bombs which you don’t need to go in too far to get.
  12. That’s funny, because when I did my research I seen that there are exactly 4 widows. Plus they have a chance to drop from 0 to 4 super venoms. I don’t know; maybe you are playing on grounded lite where you only get 2 black widows. But in all seriousness, at least look it up before you post.
  13. But where would they go?
  14. Okay but not complaining about something doesn’t get things fixed. My other posts aren’t just insults either. The canteen one was impulsive, but makes points as to what I wish was changed about it. The one about better inventory management is a suggestion, tell me how that one is insulting. I didn’t know suggesting a way to expand the inventory was an insult, so my apologies. This one is a way to point out how slow this game is when looking for simple resources like this is. If you think of them as just pure insults, then you have no mind for improving. They are just minor suggestions on how the game could be improved. As we get weekly updates in the game, and the game is clearly not the best it could be. Complaining is a way that we consumers let the developers know what we like and dislike about the game. It’s called feedback, and without it how do the developers know to look into things.
  15. All the land marks are in the wrong location or are offset. WTF, does anyone else have this problem. edit: the game fixed itself, I don’t know how long ago.
  16. I have been in the sand box for three hours targeting spicy shards. Why have I only found one? Like bruh, you gotta make this stuff respawnable, this cannot seriously be the reason I can move any further in my progress. Because if the only way to farm spicy shards after picking most of them up, is to go into the sand box digging up buried treasure that has a less than likely chance to even have buried treasure, and even less likely that the buried treasure has what I want. This stuff should respawn, because it is annoying to have to spend so many hours to get like nothing for it.
  17. I don’t know why you are coming at me with hostility. It is as if you read the post title, made your own assumption of what I said, then tried to make a situation where you are right when I am wrong. We both agree that dirty water being put into the canteen should be when the durability goes down, which is what I argued. I simply said that you should also be able to put any water in it even when the durability bar is empty. If you read around and use the context of where I said cooled off you will notice that I was talking about the burning rocks inside of the pouch. the boiling burning rocks is what is needed to filter the dirty water yes we both agree there. But that only happens when you can boil the water to filter it. If the burning rocks stop burning then you can’t filter the dirty water though. Your point about no one wanting to drink hot/warm water? Do your research before commenting. Yes I understand that 6 scoops is nice to have. I was being overly compensating with my statement to evaluate my point on the fact you should still be able to use it as a regular canteen even if the durability bar is empty. As the durability bar is tied to the cleansing mechanism within the pouch. I tell you, water really isn’t that big of a deal, I have been to the upper yard. I have killed three black widow’s, killed Schmector, the Mant, haven’t gotten to the Mantis. I have been all around up there. Yes water barely spawns up there though there are plenty of juice boxes. When I am home I fill up my 4 drop canteen my thirst bar, then I go out. You know, water isn’t really that much of a bother. When I do run out, I can usually either find a decent substitute, or find dewdrops because yes they do spawn up there it is just hard to find, or I am already going back to the base. Yes I can see where the 6 drop canteen is nice to have, though I would rather not have to worry about a durability bar that is more than likely to empty at the wrong moment. As my inventory is always full, I can just see the amount of times I would drop it trying to scoop up some water while I am up there. The. I gotta worry about leaving something behind because my inventory is always full. I made valid point, that you simply skipped over because you just wanted to argue for the sake of an argument.
  18. To fix inventory problems, simply let us have more inventory space when we complete labs/defeat bosses. as we progress in the game, we are carrying more and more things on us everywhere. Where I am sitting, I only have 9 slots open at any given time, this is because every other slot is holding equipment/ food/repair items/etc. when I go to the upper yard.. or anywhere for that matter. I have to make sure that I am only grabbing what I want/ what I went out for, because do anything else, and I am dropping half the loot I had gathered. onto the fix, This solution is a solution that lots of other games come up with. Reward the player for progressing and getting deeper into the game, by awarding more inventory space. A backpack mechanic would seem difficult with the UI in the inventory screen. Is the advanced pack going to drop upon death, how is it going to go on the character, how are you going to access the items within the bag. On PC it is easy, but on Console I see the UI already a nightmare to navigate through. Like imaging I am rummaging through all my back packs trying to find a certain heal item before I get pounded into the ground. With backpacks the UI becomes cluttered/complicated. These reasons I don’t like backpacks for. Instead I think you should reward players with inventory slots, after completing one of the various challenging activities in the game. Meaning; defeating a boss for the first time, or completing a lab. Depending on which one you do, it would award you different amounts of inventory space. This way, you are rewarding players for progressing through the game, with a better way to progress through the game. It would also serve as a milestone tracking mechanic. A new person would know how far someone is through the game by the fact they have more inventory space unlocked.
  19. The idea of the canteen having a very limited durability bar, for a crappy gimmick and 2 extra liquid storages is dumb. I can just see me dropping that thing so many times because it “broke”, and my inventory is always full. But if it breaks it still holds the liquid that is stored, and you can drink out of it, which brings me to my concern. The durability bar should only go down when you put ‘nasty-water’ inside. Also, the you should still be able to pick up water when it’s durability empty. The durability bar, should simply be the amount of times you can convert nasty water into drinkable water. Because the repair item needed is the ever-charcoal. It stands to suggest the reason it needs repair, is that the burning rocks inside the pouch have been cooled. Therefore putting new one in would give its ability to purify water once more. As it stands right now, the Coal canteen is a gimmick, without a decent purpose. It is encouraging me to target nasty-water, and skip perfectly clean dew-drops. This has been an oversight, and it lack the true potential you could have given this item. Do better.
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