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Posts posted by Chrisimo

  1. For the first question:

    Things will change depending on when you go check out the dead Reaper. I don't think I can say any more than that without getting too spoilery.


    Spoil me. I've just boarded the

    dead reaper

    after doing all loyalty missions, and I've explored available part of the galaxy. What would be different had I done that mission straight away?

    Things went pretty good for me and I held off that mission until I had done absolutely everything. From what I heard, the part where you want to be quick is

    when you lose your crew and are told to go through the relay. If you hold off and do another mission before going through the relay they die. I can confirm that minor things like visiting a planet to purchase an upgrade is not counted as taking your time. I went to pick up one last upgrade I finally had the creds for and I managed to rescue the crew.




    From what I heard, you get one squad member mission or two N7 missions. Allows you to finish up Legion's loyalty mission before hitting up Omega-4 for the end game. If you do more than that, a good chunk of your crew will end up dying in the collector base. It's right after the first section when you see them in the pods. Instead of the nameless (not really) Horizon colony person melting, it'll be Kelly. After you finish the base and get back to your ship, most of the Cereberus crew will be gone. I'm not sure if it's possible to have the entire crew die before you can save them.




    You can do two squad missions. So make sure you do Tali's quest and bring Legion with you onto the flotilla :)


  2. I was thinking something more along the lines of

    You can only complete a portion of the loyalty quests, forcing you to make actual choices



    Ok, this I understand, but this actually happens if you move too fast

    (making you choose between your crew or your squadmembers)..



    And by urgency I meant the

    news going: "the Collectors just attacked colony X, who will be next!?"

    . When making a game you have to choose whether you want constant tension or the freedom to do everything, you can't have both. Fallout 3 showed that pretty well.


    Yeah, it's urgent. But they are always telling you that you will probably barely be able to complete the mission at all, even if prepared. And this whole thing is going on for two years. I didn't get the feeling that the Collectors are about to wipe out all of humanity within a week or so. If they wanted to make it real then there couldn't be any side missions at all. And guess how much crisicism they would have gotten for that. So in this case we actually have a timed event that will force you to make bad choices - but you can avoid that if you take care. That's actually more I remember from other games (although I admit that I haven't played a lot of RPGs).

  3. Yeah, it's pretty funny when at one moment it's all like

    the Collectors are kidnapping everyone, we must kill them now

    and then

    sure we have time to find your long-lost dad, blow up an abandoned prison, deal with your anger issues and mine some planets



    You think it is strange for people to want to get some important things done before they die?

    I think it's strange that they are pushing the "oh noes, we have no time" in the story, but it is in no way reflected in the gameplay.


    They are always saying 'go when you are ready, not too early'. Everyone makes it clear that it's of no use if you rush and just die. If you think that the time is too critical and shouldn't waste time on those personal quests, then don't do them. It's completely optional.

  4. Yeah, it's pretty funny when at one moment it's all like

    the Collectors are kidnapping everyone, we must kill them now

    and then

    sure we have time to find your long-lost dad, blow up an abandoned prison, deal with your anger issues and mine some planets



    You think it is strange for people to want to get some important things done before they die?

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