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Posts posted by Jaesun

  1. Anthony Davis:


    I don't think I am allowed to talk about specifics yet, but I will say that most of our team worked on NX1 (and of course the original NWN2).


    I will say this about the game, the very first time I saw the new over land map stuff, it FELT like a completely different game than NWN2 and NX1, in a good way.


    I hope at least there we won't start as epic levels. Creating a party of epics would be annoying.


    Rest easy.


    WOO HOO!!! *jumps for joy*

  2. My ex-boyfriend had a copy of the original A3 script, which was GREAT. Had they stuck to that, and the semi-anti-religious overtones it had I think it would have turned out well. 3 suffered from too many script changes and story changes and execs wanting the story changed.


    That said, The opening sequence of A3 is my favorite opening scene of all time. Period. Pure awesome. <3 And Elliot Goldenthal's score is awesome. If they could get him to score music for this game, it would be HEVAN!

  3. As much as the Aliens RPG "3rd Person, RPG, Sci-Fi, Squad Based" may/ or may not be, I am still looking forward to this. Thankfully it is for PC, otherwise I would just be writing this off my list.


    I was actually hoping Obsidian might just delve into the FPS category with this title. If anyone could pull off a somewhat System Shock 2 ...RPG Obsidian could do it.


    At some point, I'd like to see Obsidian work on a FPS RPG. I'd love to see what they could come up with.

  4. After experiencing the audio in MotB, I have to say I'm pretty ecstatic about the audio director. It really is one of the better soundtracks I've heard in a RPG, wonderfully varied. The voiceacting is also good, and never once did I think "this actor stinks" which I tend to do in most games at one point or another.


    The fact that they hired this new audio director, and also a new art director really made MotB a better experience than NWN2 all in all. I don't particularly care about shiny graphics, but having a good visual/sound design is very important in games I think.


    I agree, that was a good move for Obsidian. <3


    This bodes well for the Alien RPG.

  5. I'm at the point where I have Safiya, Gann, and Kaelyn and now the option opened up where I can have one more companion, but I'd have to kick out Safiya, Gann, or Kaelyn. *cries*. Dammit, I want them all! Oh well, I guess this first play through, I'll do the Safiya, Gann, and Kaelyn party.


    The new companions are so far, really well written. Since I am playing a Female Fighter/Weapon Master I'm looking forward to the Gann romance, *rawr*. Though, keeping Gann's influence up is, challenging (for me) so far. Damn Chaotic Neutrals!

  6. Just to re-fresh people's memories, EA has killed the following companies:


    - Westwood

    - Bullfrog

    - Maxis

    - Origin

    - Microprose


    It is sad that the employee's of Bioware will be added to this list. This is truly horrible news.

  7. "The problem is that the majority of those companies thinking that MMORPG's pull in the big bucks is that they are using World of Warcraft as an example."


    Nonsenical. There are a multitude of MMORPGs thata re financially successful without having WOW numbers. Don't be silly.


    Wow... Volo speaking sense... I'm scared, in the same way I would be if I was surrounded by big black men in prision.


    Volo is actually correct. However no other gaming company has had the financial success of WOW. (Cost of development - Current subscriptions).


    He is some data, that sadly has not been updated in a year or so:




    6,500,000+ people paying.. what is it 20$ a month... blows... my... mind. o.O

  8. I read a thread on RPGCodex about someone who got an error where Khelgar merged with one of the familiars, resulting in a cat with various Dwarf-fighter feats.


    ROFL! Khelgar the cat. Maybe the gods got angry at him for claiming to be of Neutral Good alignment, despite the fact that he wants to beat the hell out of every living thing. :down:


    It's actually Kelgar the hammer wielding weasel.




    If someone in the NWN2 mod community does not make a mod based off of hammer wielding weasel's, I will be utterly disappointed.


    Seriously, Hammer wielding weasel's, it SCREAMS mod! <3 <3 <3

  9. ...they keep doing what has brought them success.


    You are indeed correct.


    they've been around a long time...


    No actually, most of the people that developed Arena and Daggerfall...and Morrowind have left.. out of disgust with Bethesda/Zenimax. ( i.e. the Lead designer of Morrowind).

  10. Interesting. However, exceptional creative design and thinking is going to be required to break the WOW bubble.


    Though, many thought WOW would be a flop, and Lineage/EQ would remain as the industry's leader in MMOG. oops.


    I will say, Asheron's Call had the BEST in game lore and game dynamics of any MMOG. Period. No one has ever topped that, but unfortunately, that just isn't something embraced by the general public. Sigh.


    I wish them the best, hopefully it will not be another "Fantasy" based MMOG *Jabs forks into his eyes* MAKE IT STOP!

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