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About PeterD

  • Rank
    Obsidian Order's Keeper of the Toilet Brush
    (0) Nub


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. To what would you like your name changed Ohmigish? PM me ... PM'd - Thanks!
  2. G'day - Kickstarter name is PeterD (Can't change my Obsidian name it appears.) Anyway - May I request the title "Keeper of the Toilet Brush" ? Fun Ha!
  3. What a great idea. Let's get SEGA and O to copy the BW EA collector's edition model. Nothing confusing about that at all. And there were absolutey no problems with the launch and availability of DLC. /sarcasm Gotta love turning working out where or how to buy a computer game into the equivelent of figuring out the best mobile phone plan. to Perseus, Purcake and Oner *goes back to lurking*
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