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Caran of Varn

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About Caran of Varn

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. Thanks Could I trouble you with a another one, Master @LuccA? It'll be the last one, I promise
  2. My bad, I meant to ask Crucible of Suferring or Righteous Soul Although the latest version of the build has both.
  3. Your watercolours are amazing Lucca Could you try with these two?
  4. Much obliged. I've also Dropped And Hel-Hyraf Crashed Upon The Shield and picked up The Lover Cried out to the Beloved, "I am Yours!" instead. Removed Righteous Soul and added Their Champion Braved The Horde Alone instead. Now she'll be able to use Estocs, Pollaxes and Blunderbusses with a few more afflictions to boot I. HERALD ABILITIES ACTIVES 1. The Thunder Rolled Like Waves on Black Seas 2. At the Sound of His Voice, the Killers Froze Stiff (...And Fear Followed Them Into the Foothills) 3. Reny Daret's Ghost Spake, "I'll Catch You, Ben Fidel" (Ben Fidel's Neck Was Exposed) 4. The Lover Cried out to the Beloved, "I am Yours!" 5. Their Champion Braved The Horde Alone 6. Boil Their Flesh From Skin to Bone PASSIVES 1. Come, Come Soft Winds of Death 2. Ancient Memory 3. The Long Night's Drink Birthed the Revenge of Morning 4. Old Siec Would Not Rest 'til His Hunger Was Sated 5. Mercy and Kindness Followed Where'er She Walked III. PALADIN ABILITIES ACTIVES 1. Sworn Enemy (Wrath of the Five Suns) 2. Flames of Devotion (Vielo Vidorio) 3. Lay Hands (No Upgrades) 4. Zealous Aura (Exalted Endurance) 5. Glorious Beacon (Inspired Beacon) 6. Sacred Immolation PASSIVES 1. Arms Bearer 2. Deep Faith 3. Two-Handed Style 4. Scion of Flame 5. Practiced Healer 6. Virtous Triumph
  5. Thanks! I'll pick up another weapon set then and use a Pollaxe as a tertiary weapon. Would you skip the whole Sacred Immolation/Scion of the Flame for more Invocations? I'm thinking of that, because my main character will already be doing that.
  6. This build was designed to be partnered with a Steel Garrote/Nalpazca (although it could be potentially useful to anyone who benefits from afflictions) and thus is focused more on afflictions than on buffing allies. The plan is to have Pallegina do three things: 1) Heal allies; 2) Stack afflictions on the enemies; 3) Shoot things with dual Blunderbusses and then poke them with an Estoc (a stylistic choice, if you will To that end I made the following choices (very much work in progress, mind you!): I. HERALD ABILITIES ACTIVES 1. The Thunder Rolled Like Waves on Black Seas 2. And Hel-Hyraf Crashed Crashed Upon The Shield 3. At The Sound of His Voice, The Killers Froze Stiff (...And Fear Followed Them Into the Foothills) 4. Boil the Flesh From Skin to Bone PASSIVES 1. Come, Come Soft Winds of Death 2. Ancient Memory 3. The Long Night's Drink Birthed the Revenge of Morning 4. Old Siec Would Not Rest 'til His Hunger Was Sated 5. Mercy and Kindness Followed Where'er She Walked III. PALADIN ABILITIES ACTIVES 1. Sworn Enemy (Wrath of the Five Suns) 2. Flames of Devotion (Vielo Vidorio) 3. Lay Hands (Greater Lay Hands) 4. Zealous Aura (Exalted Endurance) 5. Glorious Beacon (Inspired Beacon) 6. Sacred Immolation PASSIVES 1. Deep Faith 2. Two-Handed Style 3. Scion of Flame 4. Righteous Soul 5. Practiced Healer 6. Virtous Triumph -------- I'm not sure about the whole Scion of Flame/Sacred Immolation angle, however, as my main character (Steel Garrote/Nalpazca) will be already doing that. Perhaps more Invocations would be a better idea, if only for variety's sake? Feedback, as always, is much appreciated
  7. I'll try to work something out, I did plan to use an Estoc though, just for style points Maybe a bit of a hybrid striker/healer And afflictions, as she'll go with my Nalpazca/Steel Garrote - but I'll make a separate thread for that one!
  8. Thank you, good sir Combining your and @Kaylon's advice I propose something like this: I. ATTRIBUTES Might: 16 Constitution: 3 Dexterity: 13 Perception: 16 Intellect: 14 Resolve: 16 (That's without Berath's Blessing) II. MONK ABILITIES ACTIVES 1. Clarity of Agony (No Upgrades) 3. Swift Strikes (Swift Flurry) 3. Torment's Reach (Raised Torment) 4. Thunderous Blows 5. Duality of Mortal Presence (Turning Wheel) 6. Flagellant's Path PASSIVES 1. Two-Handed Style 2. Rooting Pain 3. Crucible of Suffering 4. Heartbeat Drumming 5. Tough III. PALADIN ABILITIES ACTIVES 1. Sworn Enemy (Brand Enemy) 2. Flames of Devotion (Eternal Devotion) 3. Zealous Aura (Exalted Focus) - Pallegina will get Exalted Endurance. 4. Sacred Immolation PASSIVES 1. Deep Faith 2. Inspiring Triumph 3. Scion of Flame 4. Righteous Soul 5. Virtuous Triumph 6. Stoic Steel
  9. 1. And what about Enlightened Agony, with all those Wounds I could have it up at all times probably. Does it stack with Turning Wheel? Stacking Intellect seems like a good idea considering Garrote ability. 2. Which is better - Clarity of Agony or Righteous Soul? 3. Dance of Death isn't worth it even for the additional Wounds generation? 4. How low would you consider dropping Resolve for this build while still not making it a glass cannon (more of a off-tank secondary, primary damage dealer, that kind of a deal). Maybe I should also increase Constitution a bit, with 6 and no Tough I have 243 health at level 20. 5. The burn damage from Brand Enemy seems rather low, even with Scion of the Flame, wouldn't Sworn Rival still be better, considering those enemies will be falling a lot, letting me reapply it constantly? 6. Soul Mirror is only worth it if you're a tank, right? 7. Mortification of the Soul is probably overkill for this build I'm guessing 8. Lesser Wounds or Tough? That's connected to question 4. Appreciate the help.
  10. Thanks Here's how it looks after changes, how does it look? By the way, I assume that I don't really need the additional Wounds from the Enduring Dance then (or they don't stack with Nalpazca effect)? As for Tough, 2 health per level doesn't really seem that much... Also not sure whether I need Stoic Steel? I don't want this character to be a glass cannon, though...Could pick up Enervating Blows instead, as you suggested, but will I crit enough to make it worth it? I'd rather pick up another passive than either Skyward Kick or Dichotomous Soul, don't like their animations I. ATTRIBUTES Might: 16 Constitution: 6 Dexterity: 13 Perception: 14 Intellect: 14 Resolve: 14 (That's without Berath's Blessing) II. MONK ABILITIES ACTIVES 1. Force of Anguish (No Upgrades) 2. Clarity of Agony (No Upgrades) 3. Swift Strikes (Swift Flurry) 3. Torment's Reach (Raised Torment) 4. Thunderous Blows 5. Duality of Mortal Presence (Turning Wheel) 6. Flagellant's Path PASSIVES 1. Two-Handed Style 2. Rooting Pain 3. Crucible of Suffering 4. Improved Critical 5. Heartbeat Drumming III. PALADIN ABILITIES ACTIVES 1. Sworn Enemy (Brand Enemy) 2. Flames of Devotion (Eternal Devotion) 3. Zealous Aura (Exalted Focus) - Pallegina will get Exalted Endurance. 4. Sacred Immolation PASSIVES 1. Deep Faith 2. Inspiring Triumph 3. Scion of Flame 4. Virtuous Triumph 5. Stoic Steel
  11. Thank you! I've made the following changes: I. WIZARD ACTIVES 1. Minoletta's Minor Missles 2. Wizard's Double 3. Spirit Shield 4. Arcane Veil 5. Merciless Gaze 6. Llengrath's Displaced Image 7. Deletrious Alacrity of Motion 8. Ironskin 9. Ryngrim's Enervating Terror 10. Wall of Draining PASSIVES None II. FIGHTER ACTIVES 1. Disciplined Barrage (Disciplined Strikes) 2. Penetrating Strike 3. Charge 4. Vigorous Defense (Refreshing Defense) 5. Unbending 6. Clear Out 7. Power Strike PASSIVES 1. Weapon and Shield Style 2. Confident Aim 3. Superior Deflection 4. Uncanny Luck 5. Armored Grace 6. Improved Critical 7. Weapon Specialization (Weapon Mastery) Does that look better? Added in mobility - charge and Deletrious Alacrity, thanks I'll keep an eye out for that Grimoire for sure!
  12. With the help of the console I've tried to create a build for Battlemage Aloth, here's how it looks like after your suggestions: Aloth will use a rapier and a mace as a secondary weapon and stacking crit passives (hence the One-Handed Style). I. WIZARD ACTIVES 1. Minoletta's Minor Missles 2. Fleet Feet 3. Spirit Shield 4. Arcane Veil 5. Infuse with Vital Essence 6. Llengrath's Displaced Image 7. Flame Shield 8. Ironskin 9. Ryngrim's Enervating Terror 10. Blast of Frost 11. Llengrath's Safeguard 12. Minoletta's Precisely Piercing Burst 13. Chain Lightning 14. Citizal's Martial Power 15. Wall of Draining PASSIVES None II. FIGHTER ACTIVES 1. Disciplined Barrage (Tactical Barrage) 2. Penetrating Strike 3. Vigorous Defense (Refreshing Defense) PASSIVES 1. One-Handed Style 2. Weapon Specialization 3. Uncanny Luck 4. Improved Critical How does that look? My worry is that I neglected offensive spells here...
  13. So I've tried making a test build for Nalpazca/Steel Garrote with the console commands. Here's what I have right now: I. ATTRIBUTES Might: 16 Constitution: 6 Dexterity: 13 Perception: 13 Intellect: 13 Resolve: 16 All of these will be further increased by 2 due to Berath's Blessing. Not sure about such low Consititution, however. I want to keep 13 Intellect to allow me to pass 18 INT (rational) checks with the help of Ripple Sponge). Unless of course I can do it some other way... II. MONK ABILITIES ACTIVES 1. Swift Strikes (Swift Flurry) 2. Dance of Death (Enduring Dance) 3. Torment's Reach (Raised Torment) 4. Thunderous Blows 5. Duality of Mortal Presence (Turning Wheel) 6. Flagellant's Path PASSIVES 1. Two-Handed Style 2. Soul Mirror 3. Crucible of Suffering 4. Heartbeat Drumming III. PALADIN ABILITIES ACTIVES 1. Sworn Enemy (Sworn Rival) 2. Flames of Devotion (Eternal Devotion) 3. Zealous Aura (Exalted Focus) - Pallegina will get Exalted Endurance. PASSIVES 1. Deep Faith 2. Inspired Defences 3. Inspiring Triumph 4. Scion of Flame 5. Uncanny Luck 6. Virtuous Triumph 7. Improved Critical 8. Stoic Steel With easy Wound generation Nalpazca grants, this build doesn't need to be hit and as such seems to have a nice synergy with Dance of Death, but it looks like it might be quite durable too. As this is pretty much my first build, I'd definitely welcome any and all feedback Are there any ways to further improve synergy here, for example? The weapon I'm aiming for is the Voidwheel, per @Kaylon's suggestion, with the hope that the Steel Garrote self-healing passive will help me overcome its drawbacks.
  14. Thank you! I was indeed aiming for Rännig's Wrath, maybe with a buckler, like you suggest.
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