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About TUHD

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. As Brandon Adler stated before: the game, the contents thereof etc is at the sole discretion of Obsidian. Paradox only handles the distribution as where necessary, a part of the QA and maybe some other minor, non-gamemakingrelated stuff.
  2. Hold on... did I get a raise? We decided to seperate the salary - your normal income, and damage repayment for those coffee cups and tea cups you accidentaly broke. Effectively, you're paying us to work this month. Sorry (j/k) Thanks for keeping everyone up to date Brandon. It's good news - and I trust Paradox enough that they won't suddenly at last minute start telling you what to do, unlike some other publishers... (Why am I thinking about that interview now where ... was it Fergus? Can't remember... told about an publisher offering a deal where Obsidian gathered money through Kickstarter, made the game using the money, the publisher would distribute the game and take the most of the profits) PS: Reading back the wiki page, I was like I was forgetting something (I did as a matter of fact), I noticed a Wheel of Time-related game in coop with Red Eagle which was announced back in 2010. I assume that one has been lost in the deep freezer?
  3. Netherlands. A lot of European backers/interested players it seems. And LOL @ Antarctica
  4. Hm, no news yet about buying seperate backer upgrade packages yet is there? *sadpanda*
  5. I've had that in the past too... in my case it turned out to be an software problem from both the drivers of the graphics-card, aswell as an annoying Vista-thing (somehow I fixed it, but I tried that much that I dunno what it was) plus programs (like McAfee, Norton, other virusscanners...) who attempt to update/scan and tend to always butt in at the wrong moment, making the game crash. In regards to that, the game is just a wee bit too fragile at that point.
  6. Although the ATI Radeon 9600 is supported, I am not that sure of the laptop (Mobility) version... Also, depending on it - you might want to read all threads around here for troubleshooting. It could be that you .ini-file is wrapped up and needs fixing - although, considering your description, I guess not. Also - Catalyst's latest update is 9.9 it seems. Suggestion: - Update catalyst - Depending on which system you have - if it is Vista - set it to compability mode WinXP SP 2. If that works better but not completely, we can look further... but this can range from hardware to software, so not sure. http://game.amd.com/us-en/drivers_catalyst.aspx
  7. In case you've got KOTOR 1 and 2 (both installed from CD, not 1 from Steam or so) - copy the .ini file from KOTOR 1 to KOTOR 2 if I recall OK and it should work. Also - ignore the system check like others said - all graphics card above GeForce 4000 (+-) get an error from it. Too new drivers
  8. Just made me wonder - with Vista I had written off KOTOR 1 due to the enormous amounts of bugs, but a few weeks back I saw KOTOR 1 got released on Steam. I know that KOTOR 1 was an Bioware/LucasArts-game, but since (if the stories I heard are true) KOTOR II also got a lot of input from Bioware, made me wonder if KOTOR II would also be released at some point by LucasArts and/or Obsidian. Can someone please shed some light on it - or shed it in eternal darkness - whatever you prefer? With regards,
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