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Everything posted by Arabe420

  1. 1)PC game pass 2)Multiplayer but i was the host so nobody can join me 3)In game the controller doesn't responding. In the menu when I click on Multiplayer it's do a loop so I can't choose "continue" and play Just continue to click on "Multiplayer". When I do it whith the mouse thé game work perfectly 4)I finish all task and I was building a giant base Controller: Nacon pro revolution PS: sorry my english isn't really good
  2. impossible de jouer a la manette, le menu devient infini avec des reconnexion en boucle. au clavier le jeux ce lance sans problèmes. en reprenant la manette les touches en jeux s'affiche sur l'ATH sont celle de la manette mais impossible de faire n'importe quel action. Impossible to play with the controller, the menu becomes infinite with loop reconnection. on the keyboard the games this spear without problem. When resuming the joystick the keys in games is displayed on the ATH are that of the joystick but impossible to do any action.
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