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Everything posted by sharke

  1. Not only was her statement possible, it was a true statement. And, more than "very few" people "do it". I am a prosecutor (I prosecute murderers, rapists, kidnappers, paedophiles-- mostly, the "dregs" of society) and my books are backed up with the most henious cases imaginable. I could work 80 hour days for the next several years (that's court hours, I already put in 80+ total working hours every week) and not make a dent. The judicial system does not have adequate judges or courtrooms for the cases already on the books and their calenders are over-crowded. There are not nearly enough social workers, foster homes or emergency shelters to go around. Even one person with billions of dollars poured into foundations cannot fix this problem alone. We have a very difficult time finding foster parents or adoptive parents willing to take on these "damaged children", they are not equipped to deal! As a result, many of these children will never get out of the foster system and they certainly won't get the help they need to break the cycle of voilence. So, they will reproduce and keep people like me busy into infinity. And, everyone knows: Prosecutors are not in the practice of law to get rich! It is no wonder that so many good ones burn out and so many more switch sides when they realize that they can't even begin to make a dent-- or "save the world" by doing the "right thing". The criminals? Most are from broken homes where parents didn't really want them. They were either ignored or abused as children. Their parents, foster parents or the relatives that raised them were on welfare and continued to either neglect or abuse them. They were in and out of juvenile detention centers and multiple foster homes all their lives. Their "educations" were refined in the penal systems. They either are employed at low-level, non-skilled jobs or they are also on welfare. 87% have children on welfare (and some of these children already have exercised their "right" to reproduce and have more babies also collecting welfare); 73% of those have more than one child by more than one mother, who also has more than one child by more than one father (all on welfare) and 56% of those have more than 3 children by at least 2 different mothers; 94% are at least $5000.00 in arrears on court-ordered child support and the lists go on and on. What a rude thing to say! The fact that he hasn't murdered ayone (yet) is of no comfort to the children growing up without a responsible role model, the taxpayers raising them or the wife and children that he either physically or mentally abuses whenever the notion strikes (not to mention the future victims of these victims as the "cycle of violence" continues and they each exercise their "right" to reproduce)! The fact that he is not a murderer is of relative little importance (or consequence) in this case; in fact if he were a murderer, we could probably at least lock him up so he would stop having unwanted children-- (but, no-one wants to see anyone die just to get the guy, do they?). What is important is the numerous burdens he has placed on those innocent children (they have to grow up feeling unwanted and unloved, as well as depending on welfare just for the basics) and the society that is now responsible for raising them-- all because he has the "right" to reproduce, but no-one can actually make him take responsibility (not that he wants to-- having children is just his way of proving to everyone what a big, strong, virile man he is-- what a fine speciman of humanity)!
  2. Yes, it's a great documentary. I'm not too sure about the use of the word "documentary", perhaps more like "commentary"... I just share the name (although mine has the "e" on the end). I'm also a prosecutor, although not a "high-profile" case expert, so to speak (but never represented the "other side" like his character did). I do have a mock-up courtroom in my basement, though, in which to practice and perfect my chosen craft. That is, when I'm not trying to enrich young minds as to the many wonders in the world of Criminal Law! and many others! Truer words are seldom spoken, it is a sad, sad fact of life, I am afraid! [color="#FF0000"]You mean like[/color] Being an ex-military man myself (in Intel), I have a huge fascination with the series!
  3. It is so sad that there are so many people who actually believe what you have stated here. "If I want to have kids, then by God, that is my right and nobody or nothing can stop me. Doesn't matter that I don't hold a steady job (because I will not work for minimum wage even though I dropped out of school), cannot take care of myself (and wouldn't begin to know how to) and have lived in six dumps in the last year (I've been kicked out of all of them because I would rather drink on Friday and Saturday nights than pay rent). That's what welfare is for, the governement can hand me those nice, fat checks every month. Everybody else does it, why shouldn't I get my fair share? After all, I am just a victim here, it isn't my fault,. You owe me, I deserve it, I got rights!"
  4. Don't really care to pay theatre ticket prices, but I did recently purchase the premier season of the US television series "Shark". Wanted to see if there were any insults to my most redeaming characteristics!
  5. ...And some of us worry that there aren't too many more that can politely ask us to leave, never to return! I just wanted to step in here and introduce myself (although this may not be the right place to do it). I am a Professor of Law and a Doctor Of Psychiatry. I served in the United States Army in the field of Militray Intelligence for almost 15 years, I meant the military to be my life career. One day, I realized that my job was not to protect the people of the United States, as I had sworn an oathe to do, but to protect the policymakers and politicians of the United States. In view of that realization and in complete disgust, I chose not to re-enlist when the next time came to do so (I had previously "re-upped" three times). I opted out with the rank of Captain (Honorary Discharge with Multiple Distinguished Service Awards) so that I might possibly be of use to the people who needed me the most. I am also the very fortunate husband of the lovely "River". She is a Doctor of Psychology and a Doctor of Sociology. I admire my wife's talent, tireless hard work and dedication to save others from the some of the most horrible and unimaginable fates she has suffered herself. She could have crawled into a corner and died, many a better man would have, I count myself among them. Instead, she chooses to work through her pain. She chooses to save the victims, one at a time and to try to change the world, one small corner at a time. It's not an easy job. My wife is a rich woman, she was the only heir to a vast fortune of a self-made multi-billionaire at the age of twenty-three. She could have a life of ease, wealth beyond the dreams of most. Instead, she allows her money to help others, insists upon it. Her generosity of both money and spirit are overwhelming. Yes, I am quite prejudiced, but she is most deserving... She is also a woman that is wise far beyond her young years. Many would do good to at least hear her out, but few pay attention because it requires too much thought about things that they would rather not think about. It's not as sexy and exciting as what celebrities are wearing or eating or who's currently sleeping in their bed, for instance. People would rather escape their mundane, boring, insignificant and dreary little lives by reading this trivial gossip than face the realities of what their elected politicians are doing to them and their children! Well, there's my little plug, even though she never asked for it!
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