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Posts posted by Rayman615

  1. While the suggestion has merit until anything is done the plant leaf with an associated color can be a temporary solution for plant based raw material. For bugs i use the ant symbol and a matching color for small bugs, and the spider symbol and matching color for larger bugs. For liquids either the tear drop or splatter symbol and a color can work. For rocks you can use the crumb or diamond and a color. The other thing to do is use the tool symbol and a color to represent a resource acquired by the use of that tool ex red shovel would be your clay box.

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  2. While it would be nice if some of the descriptions of items were a little more precise in the wording contextually the feather arrow description is fine as is. If read thoroughly it states you need strands of spider web emphasis on strands which is the reference for turning web fiber into silk rope. Also once you have the item unlocked the recipe should end up being more important than the item description.

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  3. Quite a list to sort through with some great ideas and some potential game breaking ones. This is a long response numbered and labeled for easier digestion.

    1. Hotbar and Inventory - So while in some ways it would be nice if we had extra equipment we could have not take up inventory space there are some items that would need to be restricted for this to work. Some examples would be food in the hotbar if we used the same rules as the equipped gear not taking up inventory space if you locked an item to the hotbar and did not give it a capacity limit one could theoretically carry an infinite amount of food in the space of one hotbar item.

    2. Equipment and Armor - In some ways there is merit for what you want here where we may have a base set of armor but then still be able to equip utility style equipment i.e. gas mask and miner helmet. The biggest challenge here would be whether or not the devs want to expand equipment slots as there is honestly a nice simplicity in their approach to gear as every wearable is considered armor and you only need three armor pieces. With the specific sets of three giving bonuses. Currently the gas mask has the most importance moving forward when the eventual haze section gets updated while the bubble helmet is kind of important at the moment and in niche situations is the miner helmet a good utility gear and combat situations specifically bow usage its now a toss up between marksman cap or full be armor. What would be nice and is progress already are future creature additions as well as future armor sets so one day we may see a full set that is intended to be used in the haze and even better gear set for the water.

    3. Human occupants - This in a way has been done with the boot prints you find near the mysterious machine as well as the destruction of the hedge lab. Which has brought its own challenges for players who consider themselves day one players as the change to the landscape has challenged the way preexisting bases work in the modified landscape. This challenge would be further amplified if we had full size npcs that periodically roamed the yard. On the other end of the spectrum the roaming npc can become repetitive as they may only be given one or two roaming paths so as to not completely disrupt our ability to build and expand bases and outpost throughout the yard.

    4. Weather, Queen Ant, Glitches, Multi Saves - the idea of an ant queen I believe is already in the works. Weather is planned for a future update. Creature glitches has a hot fix in the pause menu to fix creature locations and can be used once each time you load your save. You are already able to have and be a part of multiple saves with the ability to change between using a save for single or multiplayer on the same save. The one thing you currently can not do with an existing save is change the difficulty or switch between survival and creative which I support the potential to change the difficulty of the game but not switching between creative and survival.

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  4. Yeah the removal of the shoulder carry makes this mission harder the cheapest solution is the base of that particular bush you can do a few grass floors and bounce webs which will allow you to walk stems up building a zipline anchor across from the unconnected one that is there. Also there are two new dandelions just outside of the bush area that will have enough stems for the zipline. There is a youtube video on this method just not sure if allowed to share the link.

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  5. Pets are on the devs to do list with the first wave being aphids which depending on the devs plans can be used to farm honeydew more consistently as well as possibly being natural danger warnings as they get spooked by everything.

    The scaffolding is probably the closest thing to stilts we will get the one thing id like back is building in water as it would be cool to make the scaffolding represent island hut style designs.

  6. The sap collectors if they are being reworked at all will probably have a rework like the acorns got in this last update and have a randomized generator worked into the code. The biggest challenge is finding a balance between providing additional sap to what is already provided  by the natural spawn locations and providing too much sap that we ignore the already existing sap locations. For now the easiest solution from a player stand point is to attach as many collectors as you can to the roots of the oak tree as they are wide enough that you can set a line of them down and still be able to walk next to them. 

  7. With the new update there have been a few changes to the way blueprints interact with the environment. This mainly affects players who build rooms one wall segment high doing so you will need to layout all decorations and furniture you want in the room as a blueprint before putting the floor for the above floor. This is also the case when doing the half high flooring to make the shelving for box storage areas. Snapping half way up a wall can still be done it just takes a bit more finesse to locate the snap point. 


    2 hours ago, R. Kerry said:

    After recycling a chest to create space for two chests I was unable to place a new chest Blueprint on the floor piece the original chest was placed.

    When you make a room in a building how many wall segments high is the room? This problem I have found really happens when you try to make rooms that are one wall high so when you try to place any decorations in that room they end up clipping to the floor piece you are using as the ceiling and going to the space above the room you are trying to decorate.

    2 hours ago, R. Kerry said:

    Also the clay/pebblet foundation Blueprint placement is still broken.

    I am having this issue as well where there are patches of the environment that just will not accept a clay/pebblet foundation but will accept a scaffolding.

  9. So the biggest step for this is who hosts the world.

    If you are the host then you can choose to load it through the multi-player option or the single player option and continue from where you left off.

    Any progression whether it is solo or multi-player will pair to that save and can be used when you next run a multi-player session with your friend i.e. material gathering and building.

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