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Johnny Blood

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About Johnny Blood

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    Johnny Blood
  • Interests
    Games.... duh

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  1. April May and Juan Duron aka, the princess and the punk
  2. Some people like to gather resources and would like a way to show that off. What if there were acorn pallets that we can use to place globs in. It would work similar to the water container in the fact that once you place a glob in there, it can only contain that type of glob. Just a nice little crate to show off the various globs you have.
  3. Try the dubug to fix bug locations.
  4. it is just a foundation. you're options are the flat one or the ramp. Because mushrooms seem to be their go-to in the brick department, they might not have plans to make real rocks and clays be part of a building theme.
  5. Currently you can't change a game that already started. I don't know if they plan to make it an option for saved games. i feel like if they wanted it to be that way they could have done it in the last update, so it might not be intended, or they might have a hard time implementing it while also allowing achievements up to the point where you change the settings. They don't want custom games to get achievements, probably because it's like cheating.
  6. My suggestion was rain would flush out the ants making them aggressive and attack you.
  7. This is probably one of the most nitpicky posts i've made. But the Black Ant Armor and the Red Ant Armor looking identical makes sense until you realize their armor type. One is light, and so a lack of chest armor makes sense. But the other is heavy, and looks out of place when you compare it to the other heavy armor which cover up more of the body.
  8. create a lean-to and set your spawn in the area you expect to struggle
  9. What if raids were a thing were red ants attack your base, probably based on where your sleeping area is or the workbench you use the most. You would be warned of a raid because there will be a drizzle that day that is implied to wash the ants out of the ant hill which is why they are being aggressive the following night.
  10. You press the drop button while looking at a zipline to make the weed stems or planks zip down.
  11. From what i can tell, they weaken armor and food because they realized those items were too strong for the future updates to have a comparably stronger end game material. But they also include additional ways to get stronger with the updates. So while they are raising the bar, they are giving you the tools to reach that bar.
  12. Open Broadcaster Software is a common recording device ppl use that's free to download. the user interface is kind of tricky at first tho
  13. There is legit PVP potential in this game, but with only 4 players at a time you're only going to be running with friends. I think the cap could go up to 12 so you can have factions of players. I know this would imply more characters to choose from, but Obsidian could just remove the limitation so there can be multiple Pete's. If you're having objections, obviously you don't have to play this way, you could still run it completely coop with a few friends, but adding options where you can increase the player cap or even limit mutations, raw science, and map locations to the one player who got it would only add to the game.
  14. idk about customizing, but they could add a couple more kids to play as for the sake of variety.
  15. I'm gonna be a Debbi downer here. I feel like something like attack is meant to be upgraded with the smithing table. While other stuff like breathing is part of mutations. I think the team plans on having you go through different paths to get different types of upgrades, so having everything come from molars isn't part of the plan.
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