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Posts posted by Keturah

  1. We all just talked about the varous BIS games in the appropriate forums, and pretended know about polics in the 'Ye Olde Pages' political forum. In WWOT forum we just talked about what any people talk about in such forums, and spammed pointless posts to see who could get the biggest virtual **** (post count). Anything to avoid actually do Uni coursework in my case.

    • Like 3
  2. Indeed! In fact, I am fairly sure that my custom title was probably something along the lines of 'Skank of the Isles' at one point. Classy bird, me.


    TBH though I bet I have better dirt on people from IRC logs :D

    • Like 1

    Hello! I recognise some avatars and names in here! Not sure if anyone remember me, I'm racking my brains trying to remember what avatar I used to use over at BIS. I was also on ML for ages  :cat:

    Don't think us plebs would have had the privilege of custom avatars. Unfortunately my only pictorial evidence of the BIS forum just missed it, but it does quote your crimes for posterity.


    (For context, this was from the time the IPLY forums had already gone up and most of the BIS forums were already locked, we were probably only able to post in WOT or somesuch)





    EDIT: This was posted a year ago or so, the last time we had a old timey time nostalgia session. Specifically recalling the Lord Jim incident.


    P.S. Thought I saw Caelis on the Whirlpool forums a couple years ago, but I may have been imagining things.


    Ok crikey! *cringe*

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  4. Several attempts at finding my log in details later...


    **** :( Not profound, but that is my general feeling :( I remember tarna from way, way back through many message boards, and although I didn't know him well, either in the online or real sense, I always liked him and thought he was a good man. I hurt for his family. ****, man :(


    Be at peace <3



    Sarah (Calliope, Pirotess, whatever)

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  5. I was going to say that the belt snapped and in its flailing smashed a plastic mill on the inside, so I had to get those and replace them which I couldn't do unless I took the whole damn thing apart, but instead I'm going to stick with Wals' story for the lulz. :)


    It's a huge personal victory for me because I don't know **** about electronics.

    Good for you. It's always good to see someone take their balls in hand and open up a project they've never done before. And Succeed! Besides your morale taking a tremendous boost, you saved yourself a lot of money and won't be afraid to do the next project be it simply changing a light switch to repairing your furnace. Keep the 'Can Do' attitude. It'll serve you well throughout your entire life ( and in may aspects ).


    Surgery scheduled for 8 AM this Friday. Looking to take 5-6 hours. So far the grocery list is...1 Kidney ( all or part ), 2 tumours floating around in my abdomin ( between robin and chicken egg in size ), a handfull of lymph nodes in the area, a possible spot on my liver ( still don't know much about that one ), and now a 'sizeable' chunk of intestine.

    The mass on the kidney that was pushing against the intestine was what caused the pain that caused all this to be found in the first place. Been having abdominal pain and finally got tired of it and went in to have it looked at. I guess that was a good thing so that all this was found before I was in the 'Immediately Terminal'/You're Really F**ked catagory which is how a lot of people learn of their cancer.

    Pain still increasing but is being controlled with 90mg morphine/day and 10mg percocet/every 2-3 hours. Very gratefull for the insurance. Meds are $5 prescription. $30 co-pay on my various doc visits and apparently the maximum out of pocket expenses that we will have to pay is $2000 ( hospital stay/doctors/the whole bit ). Before I would bankrupt my wife and leave her with nothing I would find some fatal 'accident' at work. Dying is one thing. Dying selfishly is quite another.


    Hope it went well today x

  6. Got diagnosed ( yesterday ) with stage IV kidney cancer.

    Beat that Forumites! :wink:


    Presently enjoying a delightful mix of percodan and rum and coke. Tomorrow's schedule is a fast from midnight ( 1 1/4 hrs from now ) til 2 PM or later while they drill out a biopsy to decide if/what they are going to do. Surgery presently scheduled for Tuesday the 23rd.

    Pictures at 11. :wink:



    Hey tarna, Gfted1 directed me here, really sorry ti hear about your diagnosis, kick cancer's ass!


    (Sarah AKA Calliope AKA Pirotess and however many other user names)



    Hey Lady! I certainly do remember you from BIS as well as Interplay and The Lair. Good to see that you are still around. How's Preacher? Pissy Missy? :)


    Got a brain MRI today ( to find nothing but a sign saying "Space For Rent" ) as well as a lung CAT scan. Apparently kidney cancer spreads to brain, bone, lung and something else ( I don't remember ). Blood work says that bone chemistry looks good and the other scans should indicate if cancer has spread elsewhere or not. Go to see my oncologist tomorrow so I guess I'll get the happy news then. Lung damage I can work with. Brain cancer...well S**t happens. o:)


    Tune in tomorrow fans...Same Bat-Time...Same Bat-Channel. :)



    Preacher is good thanks, married 6 years now :D And we have spawned a demonic girl child :D

  7. Got diagnosed ( yesterday ) with stage IV kidney cancer.

    Beat that Forumites! :wink:


    Presently enjoying a delightful mix of percodan and rum and coke. Tomorrow's schedule is a fast from midnight ( 1 1/4 hrs from now ) til 2 PM or later while they drill out a biopsy to decide if/what they are going to do. Surgery presently scheduled for Tuesday the 23rd.

    Pictures at 11. :wink:



    Hey tarna, Gfted1 directed me here, really sorry ti hear about your diagnosis, kick cancer's ass!


    (Sarah AKA Calliope AKA Pirotess and however many other user names)




    I rememeber you...

    As do I. Greetings all around internet persons.


    Howdy Gorgon :)

  8. Got diagnosed ( yesterday ) with stage IV kidney cancer.

    Beat that Forumites! :wink:


    Presently enjoying a delightful mix of percodan and rum and coke. Tomorrow's schedule is a fast from midnight ( 1 1/4 hrs from now ) til 2 PM or later while they drill out a biopsy to decide if/what they are going to do. Surgery presently scheduled for Tuesday the 23rd.

    Pictures at 11. :wink:



    Hey tarna, Gfted1 directed me here, really sorry ti hear about your diagnosis, kick cancer's ass!


    (Sarah AKA Calliope AKA Pirotess and however many other user names)



  9. Jesus...f***, I know I don't really post here in any of my accounts, but I lurk, and Visc was one of a handful of names I remember from way back in BIS days. I hope that he is know wherever he wanted to be after death, and that he is at peace.

  10. can't remember when I was last on. It's been a while. Spent a long time at the parents. mom's still alive, but all swollen and yellow with jaundice. She'd actually look hilarious if it weren't serious.


    She now needs 24 hour cover, so the family has been working shifts. She's in a NHS hospice which we would never be able to afford, even with our resources, and they are unbelievably good. But she needs loved ones around to keep her calm. Doctors say we should not look more than a couple of days ahead, basically.


    It took a bit of getting used to, caring for someone who is completely incapable of moving more than their lower arms. But in general the disgusting bits are over pretty quickly. You don't get used to them, but you do get better at forgetting them. just trying to keep her comfortable at the moment.


    I came back to my own house for a few days to try and get some work done, and to take a break.


    I'm so sorry to hear that, may I ask what is wrong with your Mum?

  11. Wow, seeing that list really reminds me of a lot of long gone posters.




    I never posted that much, lurked more.


    For you, Jae:




    Oh, and this one:



  12. But there is always hope. LOL, at least YOU haven't changed, thank goodness for that. I think..... :thumbsup:


    Lol, maybe just matured slightly, like a fine wine. It depresses me greatly when I think how many years it has been since BIS and how young I was. Alas, a misspent youth.

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