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About EvilWolf

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I would be kinda upset that my favorite console got the shaft, but if the system recommendations on steam are correct I should be able to play it on my PC... so... It wouldn't bother me THAT bad...
  2. Sorry it took me so long to reply... Anyway if you look at the button prompts they are for the ps3... I'm positive at least one of the prompts is... the one were you use your lockpicks on the door has the ps3 triangle... unless the gametrailers dev diary is different from the one on youtube... EDIT: and as I said before I know they have showed the ps3 buttons before... there was a video that showed them when you had that arms dealer dude with the red beret at gun point... you know the one that was all like "If you kill me you will never find your missile" or something like that... DOUBLE EDIT!: Found it... after searching through pages of topics... http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=51818 Ok after reading through that apparently it was just an image and not a video... it's the image from GTTV on the second page of that thread...
  3. I'm sorry it took me so long I just now checked the forums again and saw this... um... http://www.gametrailers.com/video/develope...-protocol/43183
  4. I know for a fact there is one... there was a topic earlier about the buttons in the DSS thingy, and someone linked to a PS3 video with the ps3 buttons... I don't recall which video it is though...
  5. Wow, When I said it was a lot like the Mass Effect way of handling classes... I had no idea I hit the nail on the head...
  6. Yay!, More of an incentive to replay the game
  7. AP does seem to have a rank system though. I noticed that in some of the dev diaries Mike has "spy" and other assorted titles. I think it uses the same "class" system Mass Effect does...
  8. I almost died from laughter... Seriously though... I would like to see something creative if they DO have a collector's edition... something like what saints row 2 did with the bullet flash drive...
  9. That was a very interesting interview... Just made the wait for the game even harder...
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