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About TheeHappyDalek

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    The Happy Dalek
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  • Interests
    All that nerd stuff. Comics, MCU, DCU, gaming, anime, history.

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  1. I think it would be nice if there was like some version of "hold X to loot" in scenarios like breaking a grass or weed stem, and looting multiple fiber. Something simple like you hold down the button and it grabs all the fiber around you, or a corn pieces, etc. Definitely hoping there is consideration for a craft more than one mechanic. Like if I'm about to make 25 pieces of rope it would be nice to just make them instead of making them 1-2-3. Arrows, rope, all the little stuff. Mosquito aid, etc.
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  2. Can we like chill out with the number of diving bell spiders? I'm at the point in the game now with full ladybug armor minus the helmet when I'm diving, that they're not like a huge problem or anything by themselves, but it's kind of annoying trying to explore the lake and I get attacked every 5 seconds. Like you don't even get attacked that much in the backyard rummaging through the grass and stuff. One, two, three of them okay I get it. My example that brought me here, I just went to get bones from the lake. Swimming from the lily pad that my house is on, down toward the bones I fought three spiders when I got in the water, two more after I swam for about five seconds, three more at the entrance to the cave, and three more after that inside the cave. The other thing is even though they don't hit super hard it's annoying to fight them. They will swing once, you block, and then they dash back like 40 yards and you have to sit there and be like okay I'll wait no problem. It's just a totally unnecessary irritation. It's not that they're difficult it's just they're super abundant to a ridiculous point. We don't really have any super good underwater weapons at this time. So can we take a serious look at the diving bell spawn rate or population rate?
  3. Dude I feel this on a personal level. On top of like having to really go out and look for them, I've killed like five of them and I've yet to get a single ladybug head so I can make my axe level two. Like I'm trying to move from a crappy base to where I can start building something legit and I cannot get a ladybug head to save my life.
  4. I'm fairly new to the game, I'm working on getting axe lvl 2. I've killed five ladybugs and only gotten ladybug parts. Is there like a trick here, or is the drop rate just abysmal? The drop rate should legit be 100%. They are hard enough to track down and it makes really no sense that you would not get a ladybug head when you kill one.
  5. Are there any plans for ladders and bridges so we can use scaffolding or even just like four walls that keep going up so we can (this is just the idea in my head I don't mean for this for everyone ) like doing a door climb up to our house that's really high, and then have some kind of path or bridge or walkway or something to build like an ewok village-esque thing for single and multiplayer?
  6. So I'm countering this really annoying, I don't know if it's like a bug or an oversight or my fault or what, but it's really annoying. I built my first player structure out of grass on top of some scaffolding and I cleared an area near the laser machine thing to do so. Well now when I come home from exploring after the day ends and the sun is going down, the clover leaves I cut down originally keep growing back up and through my base. And I know that seems like just a minor stupid thing, cut them down move on. But what's making it so irritating is they come up right through the floor and sometimes clip through the walls, so when I go to cut them down which I have to do or it's hard to even walk around in my house, I will encounter things like I can't hit the stalk of the cloverleaf without hitting the wall and bringing my wall down to or at least damaging it. Is this player error? Like am I maybe overlooking something that I don't know about like you have to have a certain number of walls or this or that to prevent things coming up from the floor? Like something that will make the game recognize that there's a player structure here? Thanks and having fun so far.
  7. I'm not very far in the game so I might feel differently with your experiences because I don't even know what a dew collector is yet. I have every intention of continuing forward of course so maybe when I come across some of this stuff you guys are talking about it'll be one of those out of sight out of mind things that won't even really cross my mind
  8. Is this possible? (It should be) It would be nice if we could purify dirty water by boiling it. We have access to cooking, and it would not just make life easier but it's not like it's some far fetched fictional idea, it's absolutely some stuff we would all do in this scenario that hopefully is never real and that we are never really in XD
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