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Zodiac 26

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About Zodiac 26

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  • Xbox Gamertag
    Zodiac ll38
  • Interests
    Shadows of Brimstone
  1. After the update allof my bounce web towers are useless. Not sure what you all did to them but it needs to be fixed. It would be a massive amount of time to try and fix them if it is even possible to do so. My main tower is over a 100 sections tall. And in survival mode not sure if it is even possible to correct this issue. When I use a tower it want to deflect me off of the wall after the second one. Edit spent about an hour and an half, have not been able to build a working bounce elevator yet.
  2. Dud you turn them off? You can toggle them off/on in one of the radials.
  3. Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of survival mode? Then just play creative mode.
  4. If you place a wall then door, then wall in a line ,you can not place a door at a 45degree angle same issue with the roof. Also a couple of blueprints allow you to hold Lb button to rotate and freely place. Why is this not a basic function of all pieces?
  5. One of the coolest places on the pond to build a base in in the hollow log floating across the pond from the oaktree. I built a nice home inside the log the base is useless due to the mosquito spawn next to it. If the spawn was moved either direction would be great as to open up the small area to interesting builds. I normally have no problem building in Hazardous areas but the mosquitos are really easy to pull agro. Just saying it sucks to kill three mosquitos and then wake up and have to fight them again a couple days later. Just something to consider for survival builders.
  6. I agree there are a lot of cool places to build but, with the collision on everything it does take a bit of joy out of things.
  7. After this update I feel that the player is to strong. There is no fear of anything or any challenge to the fighting.
  8. Have a base next to the mysterious machine. But have a huge double layer mushroom wall around my compound. Between the mysterious machine and the closest tripod leg, two fire ants, Bombardier and orb Jr spawn. My water base at the flower bed east spawns the same . Lucky the main base they do not affect me as the wall is a fair distance from the house but, the water base they will occasionally see me thru the palisade walls.
  9. Game is lagging on the title screen and game is unplayable after the update. The lag during play is crippling. Unable to play now.
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