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About DannyBoy2k

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. Sheeesh. A 'reviewer' which can't be bothered to actually play the game(I would assume)...how can you take it seriously? Not ONCE in that review does he spell Mikes name right. 'Thornton' everywhere. Seven separate counts. And not Thorton once.
  2. LMGTFY It should be pretty sweet with the GFW Radio reunion and whatnot. Too bad I live so far away. AND, I got a moment in the christian mass, shoes, a hot air hand dryer...being an ass only works if it's obvious.
  3. DOH! Yes, yes I did. And in a way...though I'd say...well, gun stuck in belt(NOT a wise idea, that)....but the angle is wrong bigtime, I agree.
  4. New interview with Matthew Rorie. http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/rpg/alphap...p;mode=previews
  5. Ummm...not having seen the video...I can only judge from the image you put up, which I assume if FROM the video...and from that...she is wearing at least one revolver in her belt...and those are speed-loaders ON her belt. So, yes she does have 'clips'.
  6. We are WAY off the topic now, but still... Any MBT you shoot with this thing, and it actually makes a diffrence? Has to be WWII vintage. If that. It's nasty, but not THAT nasty. Oh, and combat in a close urban environment? More than 6 grenades in a timely manner, as it were? You REALLY want that.
  7. That's what I meant. How many skill points do you get to distribute at the start?
  8. Not that it's terribly relevant to the topic, but...a guy running around posing for pictures with a big gun wearing sunglasses...those we like to call 'hotdog', not 'trained professional'. And since I've fired the damn thing, officially you can fire it that fast...practically, you're down to about 18 rounds per minute, sustained. Firing goes fast. Reloading...not so much.
  9. Does anyone know how many 'skillpoints', as it were, you start with? I seem to remember having read 10, but I can't find where I read it.
  10. So, having looked at the game, and the videos, and all, questions do appear, and I thought I'd jot down a few in the hopes of getting answers. Here goes. 1. Having read and heard that you can do non-lethal takedowns, the question appears...will the 'goon' you knocked out then be able to wake up again? Or potentially be rousted by others? 2. Re the above, if they DO wake/are woken, would there be alarms going off, increased awareness in other goons, and so on? 3. And, again relating to the above, if you do, or don't, knock them out, and they CAN be found...can you hide the bodies in order to not be found out? 4. Missions are aquired from hubs, this we know...but how? Is it 'Start with mission A which leads to Mission B, and then on to C'? Or is it 'Pick one out of A, B, C' in any order you want, and these then might hint to Mission D? 5. And something that really interested me...can you move from hub to hub, back and forth, or is it all one hub, and then free to choose the next one? 'Mission A in Rome gives clues to Mission B in Taipei, which has a link BACK to Rome for Mission C, and that in turn links to Moscow and Mission D'...and so on.
  11. Welcome. I'm not a gun bunny, as such, but I do enjoy shooting, and was exposed to a wide variety during military service.
  12. Errr...what? First, they're talking about a mistake about in the name of a gun, as related to the model of the gun. Secondly, I made a joke. You know, an attempt to be funny? What READING have to do with my joke, you need to explain to me.
  13. Not to want to be rude or anything, but you HAVE heard of this new thing called a 'joke'?
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