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Everything posted by M6000

  1. Man it sux I found a save that I could actually load that works and still has all my stuff but when saving my game from that save I can't load the new save that is created so I'm still freaking stuck. I haven't been able to play this game reliably since a week after launch. It's like ever since I had that very 1st save game issue that was it my whole game was corrupted and pretty much every save game I attempt to load up has a different issue if it even loads at all. Man this sux.
  2. Well this is crazy I just had an issue on Xbox where when I clicked Load to load up my save games none showed up and it was empty then when trying to back out to the main menu the game would lock up and I could do nothing so I would have to exit to the dashboard and force quit the game. This happened a couple times until I restarted my Xbox. Now that I restarted my Xbox I loaded up the game and my saves were all there but I clicked on one to load and the game would just sit on a black screen forever while saying loading with a spinny thing in the corner of the screen. When exiting to the dashboard and trying to force close the game it would not allow for it to force close causing me to have to restart the Xbox again. I have been having issues like this for weeks since the game came out and it seems like every day a new one crops up. Before when trying to load my save it would load into the game with all my bases gone and all the trail markers and BURDGL missions gone Also the sun would be really bright causing a blinding light over the game. I have no clue what to do I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game multiple times I have tried loading it up on PC and playing it but nothing works its always one issue or another that keeps me from playing.
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