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About Dabrinko

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  1. BG2 goes easily up to 200 hours if you're thorough. KOTOR has what, less than 50 hours if you do EVERYTHING?
  2. Is it THAT hard to implement a name and a sur-name? I named my first Character "Rygar Trogg" and he referred to that everytime after that. I mean, it could be cool, that people refer to you as Rygar, or Master Trogg or something. I mean, yoda only has one name that everyone know of, but Qui-Gon was always referred as "Master Jinn" or something. and such.
  3. and for the Arcanum fans, even the developers did almost 7 different mods after release.
  4. Lucasarts say NO to all who try totamper with their licensed products. That's why Kotor 1 never had a map editor. (Not that it stopped the modders anyway)
  5. Wouldn't it be good [as in Beach Boys-good] to have a villain with a nice texas, hillbilly drawl?
  6. And why does all Bioware Villains (except Sarevok) speak British English? And why does Sarevok speak American English? Because he's more Brutish than Irenicus? WHY does Villains overall have speciel accents?
  7. On the sound in the cantinas: TUrn up the volume for some good artifical Jazz. And, the "Bar-banter" is so overused. I have heard the same banter in at least 6 other games.
  8. ...AND! Annah's Kiss even gave you bonuses to Fire Resistance. That was cool.
  9. "Objective review"? What an oxymoron.
  10. Well, DUH, they just start over again, but with suffixes like: Delaware II Project Delaware 2. or something.
  11. Well, those who played this masterpiece (Outcast) may comment as well.
  12. How about Lennie Moore? He did a fantastic job on Outcast with the Moscow Symphony orchestra.
  13. It's in Swedish, so If you're not Scandinavian or Able to speak it, it's no use actually. Well, you can look at the pretty pictures: Http://www.mutant.nu ("nu" is "now" in Swedish)
  14. I used the Fallout Music as ambient in our RPG-session yesterday, it was very cool. Mark Morgan rules! Which music exactly did you use? Almost every tune from the Fallout 1 soundtrack, New Reno, Modoc and Redding from the sequel and a couple from PS:T. We were playing a Post-apocalyptic, Swedish RPG called "Mutant".
  15. While I am not particularly fond of first person perspective (Outcast is an Exception) RPGs kan be done in first perspective with rather good results. (morrowind, Deus Ex, etc) I want it in isometric 3d with the ability to zoom, pan and lock the camera in different views.
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