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Posts posted by insidious89

  1. There must be a word for people who scour the internet looking for ever-more obscure forms of media to get offended at, or to use to make facile points about social issues. SJW is too last month.

    Are you daft? I am a backer and avid gamer.

    So **** off. I am so sorry about mentioning that perhaps that candy cane you are sucking on is not so healthy and manufactured in the best country. You are clearly offended by this.


    Wow. You do not know it, but you are very wrong.

    Germany has since 2002 legalized brothers, and the *workers* there are as you say, in control of their own lives - to the extent that they can chose between poverty in former Soviet Bloc countries or relative poverty, but then they have to let **** into them on a regular basis.



    that's due to poverty and social institutions that make it difficult or impossible for sex workers to control their own lives.



    There will *never* be sex workers in a capitalist society that will get decent wages and conditions. 

  3. I'm not dodging it? I'm just seeing it for what it is. Part of a video game. It's not a problem. And please avoid internet lingo in the future, if you want to be taken seriously.

    You said it was part of the narrative.

    Ît's a game mechanic, you are addled in the mind box my friend.


    I'm not a politician, if you are appalled by what words I use, I suggest you take deep breath before reading.



    Well, I'm not gonna waste more time on you if you can't distinguish between fiction and reality.

    And you can't grasp the very simple idea that actively encouraging players to have sex with prostitutes in order to get resting boons might not be the brightest of social commentaries there is.



    It's not social commentary, that's the point! It's a part of a fictional world narrative. If you worry about social commentary, how about that you get can get adored by entire cities for killing people? I don't understand why you want to make a problem where none is. There is a problem with prostitution in the real world, how about you focus your energy there, instead of on something like this?


    Stop dodging the frikking resting boon man. It's meta social commentary.

    The resting boon is a game mechanic, not part of the narrative. Bitch plz.



    well I would have never gone to a prostitute in real life because I don't think I'd like to do it with a woman I'd never met for cash, but now I will definitely consider it just to get that sweet athletics bonus for my friday  football games

    Thanks for the laugh.

  5. Also you can sacrifice a little girl to gain power. 


    but hey lets focus on some random sex event.

    It's not random, it's part of a quest.

    It's not the *sex event*, it's the resting boon for having sex with prostitutes. If you play this game on harder difficulties, you'll be very interested in getting these boons. It's just stupid that to get bonuses I have to have sex with prostitues that have sex on a frequent basis with a whole bunch of other people as well. 


    Do you people not see the problem with the resting boon? Sure defend the game all you want, but I'm focusing on this resting boon.

    You don't have to explore every topic you come across. It's pretty simple actually. If OE wanted to explore prostitution, human trafficing or any other topic, they would have. But it's not really what this game is about. Does that mean, that they should exclude prostitutes from a big renaissance city? No it does not. 

    And your lack of faith in your fellow man is insulting. No illusion of a "good borthel" is being conveyed. *Spoilers* There is even a task, where you hear about a prostitute and her choices. Mature subjects are not restricted to your choice of subjects. Show some perspective. 

    I repeat what I said above. Why the resting boon? That actively promotes having sex with prostitutes. 



    Stop discriminating against sex workers?


    Prostitution is often tied with crime and slavery IRL, but that's due to poverty and social institutions that make it difficult or impossible for sex workers to control their own lives. This doesn't seem to be the case at the Salty Mast (which is the best of all possible brothel names, btw), and brothels clearly aren't illegal in Defiance Bay, so I don't see the problem.


    Expecting PoE to deliver some extremely nuanced commentary on the subject is unrealistic at best. Personally, I am content to see a presentation in which sex workers are professionals who are in control of their own destinies.


    Wow. You do not know it, but you are very wrong.

    Germany has since 2002 legalized brothers, and the *workers* there are as you say, in control of their own lives - to the extent that they can chose between poverty in former Soviet Bloc countries or relative poverty, but then they have to let **** into them on a regular basis. 


    Anyway there is an article about this very thing in the OP, go check it.

  6. You spelt 'fun' wrong.

    Sex is fun. Sex with a prostitute is not. 




    Grow up.

    I did grow up. It seems you did not.


    Okay, let's repeat this one more time:" This is a game." You can kill people, destroy people's souls, and it seems you can sleep with prostitutes aswell. But it's okay, because it's fiction, and it doesn't apply to the real world. Your morality lesson is misplaced here. 

    Yes, this is a game. A game that supposedly would "take on mature subjects and delve into them". Instead it's just a VERY generic RPG that feels auto-generated. 

    If you're going to take on, for example the subject of prostution, at least do something MORE with it. Dive into the situation of being an exploiter, portray the story of the prostitute, the degenerate and the law of the land .. 


    It's very empty in this regard.

    Throw your coppers at this if you want, I on the other hand rather pay for a deeper experience next time. Alas, the illusion of the "good brothel" lives on. 

    • Like 1
  7. Would I be able to get an accurate read on my own personality by playing the game and seeing how the world reacts to me? (if my choices are consistent with how I would react in real life)
    If yes, that would be pretty cool indeed. 

    Allthough, given the situations that will be prestented to us, I'm sure most of us would run away at first sight of a very scary looking monster, giant sword or not!

    • Like 1
  8. Yeah, I played Stick of Truth a tad bit, pretty fun game - But it's really waaaaaaaay too easy on you, I think I lost three battles, the rest were a cakewalk, In my opinion. In any case, it's a pretty brilliant game.

    Question to you: Is PoE beaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaautiful? Or a Frankenstein monster waiting to be electrocuted and awoken? (uhmm)


    Didn't we already have a thread proving that that statistic was bogus?

    Also what's the verdict on Insidious, real person or just another elaborate troll?


    Take it up with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.



    So this is Ladies Night, but an entire day?





    Didn't we already have a thread proving that that statistic was bogus?

    Also what's the verdict on Insidious, real person or just another elaborate troll?


    Why would you say that? I haven't seen anything that would indicate she's not real.



    I agree, also this is one of the best days to raise issues around gender inequality.


    Our Womens Day is in August and its a very significant day due to societal problems like the high levels of violence aagainst women in South Africa



    I just wonder, what are your thoughts on this thread:

    Is it objectifying?


    I want this game to reflect the game world in a realistic fashion, as it is a mature 18+ RPG. 

    If their world has girls in modest clothing for various lore reason, sure - if it's the opposite, sure.


    I don't want some unexplained bs.. :p

    Frankly, unexplained BS is better than writers having to twist themselves into knots with their heads up their asses to come up with "lore" to justify skimpy armor which we all know has always been for the sake of titillation, even if some of us aren't consciously aware of that fact.


    You don't want them to do their job? How terrible! 

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