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Monte Carlo

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Posts posted by Monte Carlo

  1. What is this conclusion based on besides 'this is the viewpoint I want to condemn'?



    I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Forums on fire off the shoulder of Bioware.com. I watched pan-species tentacle fan-fic seep over the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. Thank the Lord.

    • Like 5
  2. Have spent much time pondering this.


    Romances, actually, aren't *really* the problem IMO.


    90% of people who tolerate and / or enjoy romances aren't *really* the problem, either.


    It's the other 10%. Basically, they are a plague vector who will destroy your game/ community. So Zero Tolerance makes complete sense when you think about it.

    • Like 1
  3. A few people who have been around a little while (like nearly twenty years) abandoned this forum after New Vegas, came back for PoE and were disappointed by it. Do not intend to rake over those ashes.


    Noticed (a) hype train for this game and (b) Microsoft buying Obsidian and thought it was all quite interesting. Interesting enough to pop back in and say hello / check it out. If I unduly moved anyone's cheese by admitting I thought playing PoE was like being water-boarded by Sawyer's paramilitary gaming cadre, then I apologise fulsomely. 


    Oh, and no Romances. That made me chuckle.

    • Like 6
  4. I have a Scottish expat for a friend over here, and he's hoping that Scotland succeeds in getting their independence after a referendum this time round.


    Personally, given my own roots, and especially after their national team led by Bale excelling at soccer now, an independent Wales would be very neat.


    Wales overwhelmingly voted to leave the EU. It ain't going anywhere.

  5. My Grim Dawn character at the moment is the Shadowblade, single-classed. I don't seem to get the hang of the synergies and I like the skill tree too much.


    Level 31 and still in the desert / wild west part of the game exploring gulches and passes... and I've only scratched the surface.


    * sigh *


    Thank you, Crate, for kinda getting it. So many companies don't nowadays.

    • Like 2

    Just picked up Grim Dawn and will give it a try tonight. Which class / combination is recommended for a range dps build?

    Demolitionist (Fire Strike) and just about anything works.  The other possibility, which requires using a 2-handed weapon (rifle or crossbow) is Shaman (Primal Strike) and something of your choice.  You can also potentially go soldier, but Demo and Shaman are probably better.


    If you want a ranged caster, Occultist, Shaman, and Arcanist are probably your best choices as far as I know (though casters aren't something I like, so I'm not so knowledgeable about them.)



    My Shaman is single-classed. Dual-classed with a Soldier makes a guy called 'The Warden' who is badass but involves a level of thought and planning I am incapable of atm. The Shaman is a very, very cool melee class. It's basically an elemental barbarian / summoner. Have you got to the part of the game that feels like 'Deadwood?' Ha ha this game is actually quite original. Colour me shocked.

  7. Just picked up Grim Dawn and will give it a try tonight. Which class / combination is recommended for a range dps build?


    I've got a pyromancer, which is the engineer crossed with some magical dude (am paying attention). You can multiclass at level 10.


    Crossbow, electric caltrops and some gooey eye launcher spell. Oh and molotovs. I'm playing veteran level, it's quite good H&S fun. There are no dump stats either.

    • Like 1

    Surprise surprise, I'm enjoying it for many of the reasons cited for not liking it.


    I'm only level 5 and getting my arse kicked in Lexington. It's still too twitchy for me and, for the love of God, where are the traders? I can't sell my junk anywhere. 


    Drumlin Diner is North West of Lexington, it lies between Lexington and Concord on the main road.  There's both a permanent merchant (once you solve a problem/quest) and possibly a wandering merchant that shows up at the location (meaning sometimes you have two merchants there).



    Cheers 'Tep

  9. Surprise surprise, I'm enjoying it for many of the reasons cited for not liking it.


    I'm only level 5 and getting my arse kicked in Lexington. It's still too twitchy for me and, for the love of God, where are the traders? I can't sell my junk anywhere. 

    • Like 1
  10. Hello. I've been away doing stuff in the real world.




    Wow I miss Gfted1. He's like my gaming doppleganger. But handsomer.


    Anyway, I picked up FO4 in the Steam Sale and would be very grateful for some advice on character builds. Basically I want to stealth / snipe the crap out of the game and lurk about with rifles etc. Am not interested in clunking about in power armour.


    Am happy to break game and ruthlessly exploit glitches.


    Have limited time atm.


    I also gave up on Pillars of Yawn-ternity.


    The obvious solution is for Obsidian to create their own PA CRPG, in much the same way Pillars analogues the Infinity Engine games. Just don't let JES design the combat mechanics and we're all good.

    am having difficulty coming up with a more desirable option than sawyerxcain for combat mechanics in a crpg.  perhaps you are a fan o' vd's aod approach to combat mechanics?





    Glad you enjoyed the combat, Grom. Personally, I've had more fun in a dentist's chair than I had playing PoE's combat but obviously your milage varied.

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