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Posts posted by TwinkieGorilla

  1. Isn't it more interesting to have a gameworld with conflicting ideas and cultures, where each action is an organic reaction to previous ones?




    Whenever videogames attempt serious contemporary issues it usually comes across as transparent. I think a sprinkling here and there of social, economic, racial, etc issues is a great thing for an RPG but I'd rather they reflect the world of the game I'm playing, not my own. Let the developers show some creativity not just reactivity. I seriously do not want an "Earth 2012" cRPG.

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  2. Feargus Urquhart: “Romances take a lot of effort, and I don’t want to be cagey on romances at all. We don’t want to make them a stretch goal, it’s just a question of if we feel comfortable with the funding. We have to do them right. Some people were giving us flak about, you know, the goal to get to the first companion, class, race, and things like that. They weren’t completely wrong in their criticism, but we don’t have nefarious reasons behind it. If it’s a pretty in depth companion Chris Avellone, who is a pretty quick writer, is looking at 2 or 3 months just for writing it up.”




    Well there you have it, folks. /enddiscussion

  3. Just curious. Doesn't really have anything to do with anything. I'm just wondering.


    Well, outside this official forum we're probably the biggest Obsidian fanboys&girls collected in one spot so yeah...there's going to be members here. And since most of us hate what next-gen games have done to the legacy of classic cRPGs you can take a wild guess what sort of things we might end up posting for or against. That said, we ain't all the same. Beyond our love for MCA and hatred for most modern gaming there's not a whole lot we tend to agree on...about anything.


    I have literally never heard a human being use the term "vapid" to describe a man.


    Oh for petes sake. I use it all the time for anything which fits the description. Like your analysis of its use for instance.

  4. Next gen? As in, what, teen-agers?


    I'm going to wager a bet that my nieces and nephew could be older than you (the youngest is in college) - not that this means anything at all. Age is largely irrelevent.


    So, yeah, poison the well more. Here's the thing - whether I, or any pro-romance person, is 8 or 80 doesn't matter to the validity of our arguments or tastes.


    For the record, my first computer was a Commodore PET. The first cRPG I played was either Bard's Tale or Phantasie, I got to Wizard's Crown late. So, yeah, Next Gen'er here.


    If you are a fervent fan and supporter of next-gen games I'd call you a next-gen'er. Calm down, bro. Looks like you never did cheer up. Why so serious?

  5. I know Cain was very vehement with his vision for Fallout that there are different paths for solving quests, including sneaky ones, so I'm not too worried about paths per se (though ideas like you mentioned are very important to think about). I just want to see more attention paid to these sorts of things:


    * poisons (vials, capsules, pills, etc) which, when tainting food or drink, act as lethal weapons

    * stealthy placement of poisons (like reverse pickpocketing or the super stimpack exploit)

    * non-alerted npcs that are nowhere near the incident

    * disguises coupled with stealth/sneak checks which enhance assassin abilities

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  6. Everyone realizes that there are two very specific points in the Forum Rules that state they do not allow bashing of other developers and publishers, right?


    Yo Backseat Moderator, I’m really happy for you. Imma Let you finish, but Obsidian's moderators are the best Obsidian moderators of all time. OF ALL TIME!


    Because it's a slur against the company. Saying "badly written, pandering romances, like BioWare" is the same as saying...


    Something which is unarguably true? Correct.


    Only if it is not a core value of cRPGs. Are you arguing that romance is inherent to what makes an RPG an RPG?


    Seems we've got a contingent of next-gen'ers here who really do believe this.


    Because to me a CRPG romance is as useful as cracking an egg into a perfectly good pint of beer


    Hehe. Well, much as I laughed at this and mostly agree...I guarantee you I'd not continue drinking that beer while the game (including useless, embarrassing romantic nonsense) would, at worst, make me groan, roll my eyes or laugh derisively. Still, that IS about the equivalent analogy regarding taste.

  7. Well as long as you keep in mind the people on the world has a certain amount of reasoning, like if they see you entering the house of the NPC and then suddenly few days later the NPC is found dead, you are definitely to blame for the death.


    So maybe a death in an actual settlement like a town house has attached to it a counter wherein suspicion arises after a few days even if you've successfully rolled getting in and out of the house and you're tracked down. This is where skills like speech, bluff, charisma, etc might come into play? I dunno. Just shootin' off the hip.

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