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About Zayle79

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  1. My analysis as a Light Side supporter: First, let's talk combat. A Light Side user vs. a Dark Side user. The DS user started it off with his offensive Force powers. But the LS user used his defensive abilities to lessen the effect, and used healing to make it as if the DS user had done nothing at all, if not wear them both out a little. Therefore, we'll say that for combat, they're even. Let's talk Anakin. The only reason that he turned DS was having all that power. The Emperor tempted him, he wanted to save Padme's life, he had LOADS of Force power. and the Jedi didn't know so they couldn't ensure that he stayed on the right path.
  2. Well, that's debatable. We have no idea of what a finished ending would be like. Maybe there would be a twist that required Kreia to reveal the big secret to the handmaiden.
  3. Unfortunately, none is publicly available.
  4. Guys? Kotor II wasn't finished. Those little tidbits like why Revan did what he did, Kreia being Arren Kae, the HK factory. etc. were left out cause they didn't have time.
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