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Everything posted by Broadway

  1. Periods are o-v-e-r-r-a-t-e-d
  2. AP2 (if done) would be on UE3, we wouldn't switch engines
  3. If you're working for a smaller company you may need to do a bit of everything, but for most developers you only need to focus on one area of interest
  4. Hypothetically - If we made a 'damn it' button would you drink every time MT said it?
  5. My understanding is that Onyx will be our engine for all future titles
  6. There isn't an official release date set yet but feel free to speculate . The game is still under development so please keep that in mind when commenting on screenshots and videos. They are being taken while AP is being built and there is still a lot of polishing that will be done before release
  7. UnrealEd is the Unreal Editor - http://www.unrealtechnology.com/features.php?ref=editor I recommend not trying to do everything. I came from running my own studio where I literally had to do everything besides art related material and at 20 people it was a 12-16 hour day + weekends. It is good to know to entire development process but not doing it all. With any medium size developer or team you won't have time to everything. Most development studios are compartmentalized, even for producer (art, programming, design, ect). There are some exceptions like the work I do being in charge of gadgets and art (excluding DSS). With gadgets I am involved with their design, animation, programming, and sound but I'm not the one creating them. I have to make sure the overall vision for art/gadgets is met and we don't fall behind schedule. "doing graphics" What kind of graphics? UI, Character, Environments?
  8. What position are you looking to get into? Nothing is replacing Max or Maya that I know about. It's always good to know Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PPT, Outlook) and Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator) software From a producer standpoint you would primarily deal with MS Office and MS Project throughout the day
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