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Everything posted by Krusified

  1. I’ve never played the RT mode, but yeah dex seems to affect stride on a 1pt = 4% basis on TB mode. Are there items that would grant a dash ability? There are so many items to sort through on the wiki, I haven’t been able to locate one yet. Also, thanks for all the great tips and discussion! I really appreciate it guys
  2. So I get nervous to completely dump dex because it affects stride and I’d hate to be a melee fighter that can’t reach his target. Without any gap closers like monk/rogue/barb, is there another way to offset the low stride as shifter/paladin if I dump dex completely? I kinda figured dumping res shouldn’t be a huge issue with the great defense provided by paladin, I’m assuming.
  3. I know this is a bit old, but I’ve been wanting to make a Goldpact Knight/Shifter for my first play through. Any help with stat distribution would be phenomenal! I’m planning to play TB if that helps for context. i was thinking maybe 16/14/7/18/16/7? Again, first play through and this is my first game of the series so I’m pretty fresh to all this except what I’ve read on the forums.
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