Hey folks,
I'm a little over 70 hours into the game on my PS4 Slim console. I'm really enjoying this so far just a much as I did with the 120 hours I put into the previous game. One thing that really sticks out for me here is the level of optimisation for consoles - specifically around the control interface - in that it's actually very very shoddy. I do not hold Obsidian accountable for this, but I honestly think that Obsidian should be absolutely holding Versus Evil accountable for the job they did in porting this over to the console format.
I have worked in the gaming industry for over 10 years now and I don't really know what kind of contract you had with VE, but I would seriously seriously consider either contesting their salary or negotiating the originally agreed upon contract you had with them based on what they delivered in their port. Usually when something like this ships in this state, you are looking at a pretty heavy duty set of open or backlogged QA JIRA's which should have had better prioritisation, because for a game like this to ship with so many crashes and gamebreakers is pretty difficult to rationalise, and you should probably address it like that. It should absolutely have been QA tested more or at least with a bit more oversight around what the shippables looked like before it hits General Availability to the public.
Anyway, look after yourselves Obsidian, I think this is a wonderful game from a story, setting and character experience. I'm a little sad that by the time i've finished it, it'll be before a patch comes out to fix these issues. But even so, I can't wait to see more from the PoE franchise.
Below you can find a list of the more major/frustrating stuff i've found, along with some steps to repro, to help speed things along.
Issue: Lag/FPS drop when entering a town/city map
Issue: Lag/FPS drop when opening inventory
Issue: Lag/FPS drop when moving around areas within a town/city map
Issue: Some environment points that should be interactable do not show the X button prompt when near them
Frequency: Regular
Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce
While in any explorable area (except for sea traversal map gameplay) move over to a blue highlighted interactable point.
If the area is considered to be unreachable by the character the prompt will not show, rendering it impossible to interact with.
Note: for this one the workaround is to press Triangle, manually move the cursor over the interactable and press X. However this doesn't always work and there are just as many locked interactables as there are interactable ones.
Issue: It is not possible to interact with a vendor inventory, preventing the player from purchasing items they have on offer.
Frequency: Intermittent
Steps to reproduce
While in a town/city area, find a vendor and press X, selecting the option to purchase something from them.
When the purchase inventory menu appears, attempt to use the D-Pad to move over to the Vendor NPC inventory
Issue: Interactable 'area exit' icons which allow movement between sections of towns/cities go dead and cannot be interacted with, resulting in the player being trapped in a particular area.
Frequency: Intermittent in most areas but happens almost 100% regularly in The Gullet area within Neketaka
Steps to reproduce
While in a town/city area, move to any exit until the 'leave area' icon appears and press X
Party and/or single character automatically runs back to the last point of entry into the map and interacts with that icon instead.
Issue: Interactable 'area exit' icons which allow movement between sections react incorrectly when interacting with them, causing the party or one single member of the party to automatically run to the point where the group last entered the area. Either from another part of the map or a building/house within the map.
Frequency: Regular
Steps to reproduce
While in a town/city area, move to any exit until the 'leave area' icon appears and press X
Game does not react trapping player in area, forcing them to restart game.
Issue: Game hard crashes to a blue screen when attempting to switch between a town/city map and the ship traversal map
Frequency: Intermittent
Steps to reproduce:
While on the 'fast travel' map of any given town/city (e.g Neketaka) move the cursor over the leave city by sea icon in the bottom left of the screen and press X
Wait for the loading screen to pass
Game hard crashes to error report screen a few seconds after the sea traversal map loads in.
Issue: Game hard crashes to a blue screen when attempting to enchant any item with the enchant option.
Frequency: Intermittent at first - but now happens 100% of the time, blocking me from accessing this part of the gameplay system.
Steps to reproduce:
Hold L2 and select Inventory menu
Use D-Pad to highlight any enchantable weapon and press Triangle
Press Square to open enchanting menu - all icons display a white box with a red X on them momentarily
Game hard crashes to error report screen
Issue: Game lags and freezes when attempting to enchant any item.
Frequency: Intermittent
Steps to reproduce:
Hold L2 and select Inventory menu
Use D-Pad to highlight any enchantable weapon and press Triangle
Press Square to open enchanting menu
Game freezes or lags for 1-2 minutes