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About Jayzon

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  1. How's ya all? I've gamed so much in my life (i guess it would be almost 2 decades by now) that i'm slowly becoming resistant to the entertainment these games provide. One would think that you just need a break but I had quite long break and it didnt help at all. This made me think that I actually should try to make my own game. You know, sometimes the games I played felt like the person behind them (CEO or developers, or both) never really played games much at all in his lifetime. Seriously. I mean probably a lot of game developers and CEOs are passionate about gaming, but also probably a lot of them arent. I would like to code role playing game, something simple for now. However im not sure how to start - Ive learned some basics of Javascript but somewhere along the way I realised that this language can be executed by browsers only lol ! Anyway other langauges seem similar, just which one should I learn to make games is what I dont know
  2. My favorite RPGs game i played were fallout 2 online, diablo1 (online and offline) and i guess thats it lol also Tibia was great (old versions of it) but it was an MMORPG
  3. i love such videos man, also the game looks fantastic
  4. what do you mean pathfinder? isnt pathfinder an RTS alghoritm used to find path for each of units when you order them to go somewhere with mouse? I think there was MMO called pathfinder but it failed or maybe my memory is wrong
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