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About MovinShadow

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. Exectly lke you said, the same things! I skip ip too, but latly now, i cant complite the quest in Nikitaka, in Beras Cave, it crashes than you end turn for Alot charecter over and over again. And i bought the game becouse they add turn based mode like in Divinity.
  2. Please, fix the game, its always CE-34878-0 crash error. Most often it happens then you are at fight. Im playin in turn based mode. And i did reinstall the game, then i reinstall it to external hard drive, and then i made initialization for my ps4 pro deliting all data, but nothing helps! And i dont have the same crash in other games for my ps. I just dont want to tell about the longest loading screans on my console like im loading The Witcher 3 huge 3d map, instead of 2d map with minimal graphics and its loading even then i enter in the smallest area in it. Its a shame guys, like its your first game.
  3. Please, fix the game, its always CE-34878-0 crash error. Most often it happens then you are at fight. Im playin in turn based mode. And i did reinstall the game, then i reinstall it to external hard drive, and then i made initialization for my ps4 pro deliting all data, but nothing helps! And i dont have the same crash in other games for my ps. I just dont want to tell about the longest loading screans on my console like im loading The Witcher 3 huge 3d map, instead of 2d map with minimal graphics and its loading even then i enter in the smallest area in it. Its a shame guys, like its your first game.
  4. Hello, Please, fix the game, its always CE-34878-0 crash error. Most often it happens then you are at fight. Im playin in turn based mode. And i did reinstall the game, then i reinstall it to external hard drive, and then i made initialization for my ps4 pro deliting all data, but nothing helps! And i dont have the same crash in other games for my ps. I just dont want to tell about the longest loading screans on my console like im loading The Witcher 3 huge 3d map, instead of 2d map with minimal graphics and its loading even then i enter in the smallest area in it. Its a shame guys, like its your first game. regards, Aleksey
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