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About rjo22

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  1. When you first open the game on Xbox, you are presented with the title screen that says "press A to continue". In the background is an animation of the Unreliable flying through the air while music is playing too. Once I press A, the Unreliable animation and the game freezes but the music keeps playing. No matter how long I wait, the game will not progress past this screen. I have tried closing and reopening the game, cycling the power on my xbox, uninstalling the game, unplugging and plugging the external drive back in, opening the game offline, and one other small things but nothing has worked to fix this bug. I have attached a picture of the screen that I am stuck on. It is worth noting that I have already put about 15hrs into the game on this console already so this is not an issue that was present originally. It has been 2 days of trying to load the game with no success now. I have an original xbox one from when it was first released.
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