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Posts posted by RPGmasterBoo

  1. "Not to mention that only having bi-sexuals as possible partners could be seen as discriminatory. "


    Actually, there is a heterosexual romance in the game... that you can't have sex with. Heh.


    True love? :lol:

  2. Finished Grey Matter. I feel sorry for Jane Jensen, she made an excellent game but didn't have the budget to support it.


    Still, its an excellent adventure game, even if it is too easy.


    Having finished Gemini Rue just a few days ago, my P&C lust is fully sated.

  3. Words.


    Bottom line is, you're feeling insulted because they're catering to a group you actively discriminate again. That's cute.


    I've known a few homosexual individuals in my life. I suggest you ask them about this "discrimination" yourself, lest your eyes be brown like Gaider's.

  4. David Gaider is so full of crap his eyes are brown.


    I know you have a Bioware-hate-oriented sexuality, but I think he pretty much as a gigantic point with that post and there's little to nothing you can use to contradict him. Bottom line is, that straight male gamer is homophobic. And, dare I say, maybe you're too? :lol:


    Homophobia is a politically loaded term and I detest its use.


    I'm not homophobic. I'm a traditionalist, with my base in Christian morality. I don't consider myself better than other people for it, or that it gives me a right to tell others what to think or do, but I expect others to extend the same courtesy to me. I consider homosexuality an unfortunate deviancy, and I think it has no place in the public sphere and that it shouldn't be portrayed as an equal of heterosexual relationships.

    Thus Bioware's insistence on putting ever more of it into their games, I find equal parts disturbing and personally insulting - as an act of preaching unto me things I do not believe.


    Even more so since I firmly believe, that todays public "homosexuality" is a political ideology of sorts (driven more by heterosexuals than anyone else) and that its completely divorced from the actual needs of real homosexuals.


    The whole issue is rendered moot, since I stopped playing Bioware's games with ME2. Maybe I'll do ME3 for the sake of finality, but that's really it. Ultimately its the declining quality of their games that drove me away and not gay romances, because I'm not so fanatical as to discard someone's entire work just because there are parts I disagree with.

  5. "Not much use in a character who can supposedly be whatever I want him to be, yet never say or do anything I would, like say, Shepard."


    Shepard is awesome. Gurlap wishes he was even half as awesome.


    Still, guys, keep linking the hot TW2 ladies. That's good stuff. :-


    Shepard exactly fits the description Sergio Leone gave of Clint Eastwood's acting after the dollars trilogy was finished:


    "He has only two facial expessions: with a hat, and without"

  6. Grey Matter, the Jane Jensen P&C adventure.


    Very good so far.



    Best adventure since... probably Syberia 2.


    I'm not surprised, Jensen has a great understanding of how to turn a novel into a pc game, while still keeping all the good parts of a book. That and implementing genuine investigation, not illogical item combination crap that most P&C adventures are comprised of.


    I'm at Chapter 5 and so far the game still has me guessing and intrigued.


    Pity about the drawn cut scenes, they were obviously great ideas but without a large enough budget to get the treatment they deserve.

  7. "Geralt is as straight as it gets, plus he's like James Bond."


    Not much of a role-playing game when your character's chocies is forced on you. People can complaint about the TOTALLY AVOIDABLE BI SEXUAL ROMANCES in BIO games but at least you get a choice.


    Anyways, the TW2 ladies are HOT. The only weakness they show is their lack of taste. R00fles!


    This guy, that's who :-


    Well, it's just ONE choice. His sexual orientation, not that big a deal. Heard nothing that indicates the romances are mandatory in TW2, so it's like ME or DA in that regard.


    He didn't show up, he never left. Volourn is in the forum code.


    As for Geralt, he's a fixed character based on a book. People who can't deal with that shouldn't play the game. I personally don't care at all about that aspect of a role playing game as long as its well executed. Not much use in a character who can supposedly be whatever I want him to be, yet never say or do anything I would, like say, Shepard.

  8. I'm here to expand frontiers and vocabularies.


    Its not my fault they caned you in law school until they got you talking like that, and only with the purpose of softening up poor clients as you dig your way into their money. :-

  9. But in DA2, you can bang just about everybody! And most of them want to bang you too!


    Surely, that counts for something?


    Dont be ungrateful now, Bioware was working so hard to give you Choice.


    Isnt it the same in the ME series? Hell, you can even have inter-species sex!


    Hah, DA offers inter-species sex on an unprecedented scale, with a bearded gay midget. aka dwarf savaqing a frail pointy eared rogue. ME is a tender virgin by comparison.

  10. Tasteful or not. I just don't like forced Heterosexual Sexual encounters placed upon me as a player.


    Geralt is as straight as it gets, plus he's like James Bond. Thus there is likely going to be at least one nice and obligatory sex scene. (there was one at the beginning of the first game)


    You should probably stick to Bioware games. :-


    I'll only be sticking to The Mass Effect series. DA series is terrible.


    But in DA2, you can bang just about everybody! And most of them want to bang you too!


    Surely, that counts for something?


    Dont be ungrateful now, Bioware was working so hard to give you Choice.

  11. Tasteful or not. I just don't like forced Heterosexual Sexual encounters placed upon me as a player.


    Geralt is as straight as it gets, plus he's like James Bond. Thus there is likely going to be at least one nice and obligatory sex scene. (there was one at the beginning of the first game)


    You should probably stick to Bioware games. :p

  12. I have to agree with LoF. And I really mean HAVE to. Gut wounds being the incredibly painful slow death that they are, you just don't get armour which leaves you exposing your nice bare pregnantable midriff.


    If anyone knows of any armour from ANY period or culture which does leave the stomach exposed, and protects your shoulders, do let me know.


    Bare midriff armour is solely for the purposes of horning up male gamers.


    Of course I'm hoping this is intended to nurture some counter-cultural movement to enhance positive and realistic women in games. By which I mean women who actually look as if they could pick up a rifle - Starbuck style. Rather than an excuse to found a government bureau which will try to stop unreasonable female sexiness by shooting devs in the face.


    Funny, Imperial Guardsmen in WH40 have their bellies exposed as well.

  13. Wasn't poor inventory the main criticism from pre-patched Witcher 1? Stands to reason that they'd want it as slick as possible.


    I was trying to say it has a sort of cold and clinical look, like something you'd see in a hi tech shooter, with none of the rustic, "ancient" designs that were so long part of pseudo medieval RPG's. That and the unnecessarily minimalist UI, both irritate me.


    I don't know why everyone is pushing for this sort of design, as I find it jarring and out of place in a fantasy game.


    *In fact the thin letters coupled with the orange background tones scream Half Life.

  14. I agree with Greasy. Anime is in general annoying lazily produced, massively spewed garbage. Most of the time on the exact same level as US saturday morning cartoons.


    That said I've watched dozens of Anime films and tv shows. Тhere are a few I like, despite the ridiculously unimaginative visual style the human characters have (and only the characters, everything else differs wildly from show to show):


    -most of Miyazaki's works

    -Ghost in the Shell series (despite their stupidly simple but still incredibly convoluted storylines)

    -Robotech (its crap but my 7 year old self loves it)

    -Jin Roh (its practically not anime)

    -Great Teacher Onizuka


    But really, apart from Miyazaki, you see one, you've seen them all.

  15. Yes. Its a question of craftsmanship and BG series is undoubtedly better. It has a much clearer idea of its genre identity and its "lineage", drawing directly from a long tradition of similar games while innovating at the same time.


    ME and DA2 on the other hand, including KOTOR and JE are bastard children of streamlined BG1/2 gameplay ideas and the most opportune console trends at the time of their making. Which is why they don't have cohesion and aren't as believable.


    Example ME2. It may be fun and good but its a movie with optional dialog on one hand and an arcade game on the other. You basically alternate between the two completely divorced games that are held together only by suspension of disbelief. In BGII everything happens inside the gameworld. ME2 doesn't even have a gameworld, rather, it has two which are not strong enough to stand on their own. One, which is essentially a tunnel full of waist high walls, and another which are complete locations in which you cant really do anything other than initiate cutscenes.

    I'm sorry, but there isn't a word of that that makes any sense at all. We get that BG1-2 are closer to your subjective preferences. But arbitrarily investing importance in ill-defined terms like "craftsmanship," "genre identity," "lineage," and "cohesion" doesn't bring your preferences into the realm of the objectively confirmable. What I get from your argument is "my subjective preference for BG is justified because [a bunch of nonsense I just made up]"



    Monte's critique makes sense to me, for a gamer with his perspective. Although I don't agree 100% with it, I do share elements of that perspective, and I understand where he's coming from.


    *sigh* I believe they're objectively better games and these are some of the reasons for that. If you don't understand them or they don't make sense to you, that's perfectly fine.

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