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Everything posted by sillyrobot

  1. After reading the patch notes, I attempted to use this feature to fix the problem: Now, I find language convoluted, but I think it means I should add Pavarti to my group and leave the ship to reset the mission back to Active. I guess the non-existent death occurred prior to unlocking the quest since it does nothing. Adding Pavarti to my group does nothing to change the status on Don't Bite the Sun from botched. How can one have a death of a companion prior to unlocking the quest anyway? Either you're playing Supernova and thus the character stays dead (and you don't get the quest) or you are not in which case the character never dies.
  2. It still happens in the latest patch. I didn't buy the game until after the patch was out. I'm playing on PC, on 'Hard' difficulty. I haven't done a lot in the game yet. I'm level 14, having cleared the initial locale, Groundbreaker, and Roseway. I return to Groundbreaker and turn in the Distress Signal mission. I return to the ship and talk to Pavarti in the cargo hold. She asks for help, I agree, she explains she wants to buy soap on Groundbreaker. The 'Don't Bite the Sun' mission appears and auto-fails before the conversation has ended. Now if I were playing on 'Supernova' rather than 'Hard', she would be dead --there were a couple of fights on Roseway I barely scraped through, but the difficulty setting has never been altered.
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