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Everything posted by miracle.flame

  1. I have not seen this listed in the list of urgent issues. The whole difficulties system is pointless when there are abundant quantities of ammo and items just about anywhere, anywhere... Dozens of crates with dozens of items all around at every single corner makes you spoiled very early in the game with nothing actually valuable to seek. No joy in finding anything, you soon enough don't even look at what you're taking you just keep mashing Take All the whole game, breaking down everything and moving to junk. Is this supposed to be fun??? This game makes its hundreds of items invaluable junk found just about anywhere in abundant quantities. Sorry but having 140x ammo ten minutes in the game just makes ammo totally pointless. Never in the game you 're actually forced, not even once to use different ammo type weapon or any melee weapon at all. That's just completely wrong design. We need an option that will drastically lower the amounts of ammo and items and crates at places where it makes not even a slightest logical sense to be. - an option that will make you value the ammo and other items - an option that will make you run out of one ammo type and switch to other gun or melee for a while if you don't switch in between time to time yourself. - an option that will make you seek for hidden crates to find items which are not redundant anywhere nearby - an option that will make you actually want to buy something from vendors - for example ammo - an option that will make use of the pointless "ammo perk" - an option that will properly address this whole immersion-breaking disbalance.
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