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About Zavijava

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I'd like to report a couple of possible bugs, game version 1.5.1 with both DLCs installed, supernova difficulty: - If I make a manual save inside the Unreliable and then I reload, I spawn at the entrance regardless of where I was when I saved. This happened to me when I was docked in Phineas' Lab, not tested elsewhere. - Lance of the C3 mercs didn't spawn inside the radio tower during the assault, only Berthold, Donald and Addie were there. Tried reloading several times but he never spawned. - The marauders inside Synthesis & Manufactory Center are not hostile if not attacked (white crosshair, not red) and I can talk to them. Is it supposed to be like this?
  2. Sometimes you can skip some quest objectives or get a higher reward if you can pass a speech check. Stealing doesn't have consequences if nobody sees you.
  3. I read I can get the Chastity's Hideaway Key from Huxley if I pass a 100/136 Lie or 50 Persuade check with Catherine Malin. The problem is that I got only the difficult Lie check, not the easier Persuade. So is passing the Lie check the only way to get the key or I didn't get the Persuade because I didn't meet some conditions? Apparently there's a npc called Weston Sloan involved with this quest but I didn't meet him at all. Where's he?
  4. Phineas Welles will give you the NavKey to Byzantium after you complete Radio Free Monarch quest.
  5. Farsighted may be the best one to take if you don't use melee weapons.
  6. 1. SAM - During a certain quest I followed its suggestion after some lawls and got a good ending for one of the factions. 2. Parvati - Nice person and nice companion quest. 3. Nyoka - Bonus damage against creatures. 4. Felix - Fight the power, smash the system, etc. 5. Vicar - He's into some complicated stuff. 6. Ellie - Funny companion quest but a bit too short.
  7. If you want to save Jameson you have to go rescue him immediatly after getting the quest from Anton. If you do other quests before you'll find him dead. Gladys will give you the NavKey for free only if you give her all three pieces of intel from Roseway, but this way you'll fail Orson's quest and miss an unique item later on. So I think the best thing to do is not giving her any intel and buy or steal the key instead.
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