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About NS23

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  1. "Don't bite the Sun" still botched. Didn't become unbotched. Parvati is listed as killed but can still be taken with as a companion off ship. I'm on the PS4, started out on Supernova, but changed that to Hard still really early in the game before even going to Edgewater and meeting any companions. I waited patiently for two weeks for this patch where I didn't play the game. Really was enjoying it until this happened. Guess I'll have to not play it indefinitely. Thanks a lot. This glitch sucks and is breaking immersion for me. I don't want to restart the game and the uncertainty that it happens again. I would like to keep going bec. I have no desire to restart and not sure how far back to go in order for this to work. I know you guys(Obsidian developers) have a lot on your plate with the new IP and all, but it would be cool if you actually had a fix for a game you just released. So many people talking up how "bug free" this game is, when that's not at all the case. Granted it's not a game breaking bug where the game crashes constantly, but for me and, I'm sure plenty of other people, it's a major issue with an important character. Idk how everyone else feels, but this isn't fun. I enjoy playing games that work. I haven't felt so invested in a game before and so disappointed where I have reloaded save after save, tried to make it work but like clockwork the same glitch happens over and over again no matter what. Any response would be appreciated.
  2. On the PS4. Don't Bite The Sun. Parvati killed. Having the same issue. The quest fails no matter what I do. Tried diff. dialogue options, talking at different part of the ship, swapping armor, and if I ignore the quest completely, it still fails and just shows up as a botched quest. I just went to Scylla, haven't met Nyoka, no cows ever present. Tried to ignore the quest and went to Relay Station but it still ends up showing up as failed with Parvati listed as killed. This is breaking immersion of the game for me and I won't be playing until this is fixed. To replay like 6 hours of quests again in the hope that it won't fail down the line is totally unreasonable. Please Obsidian fix this quest line! I love your game so far but this is a total bummer.
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