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Paul Hoback

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Everything posted by Paul Hoback

  1. I can't enter the secret lab in Roseway. I get stuck on the loading screen at all 3 doors. A minor issue is that the game needs more indicators for thirst, hunger and sleep in supernova mode. I must say other than the aforementioned issues I LOVE this game. I hope to see more story driven RPGs like this in the future and less online freemium style cash grabs. Keep up the good work.
  2. I get stuck on a neverending load screen when I try to enter the covert labs in Roseway. I've tried replaying the game from the beginning and a bunch of other work arounds but nothing has worked. It's odd because it is the only bug I've encountered so far but it's a pretty bad one. I haven't seen other people have this problem online. I'm on PS4. I have the latest updates for the game and system. If you can help I would appreciate it.
  3. I can't enter the covert lab area. I get stuck on an endless load sceen at all 3 entrances. I've yet to see anyone else mention this bug specifically. I tried restarting my PS4, leaving Roseway and returning, changing missions in the journal and restarting from the beginning of the game. I'm playing supernova difficulty if that matters. I have the latest updates for my PS4 and the game. I'm probably going to skip both associated quests and move on unless I can get some help. I started over because I needed a secret to sell to Gladys. I'm not keen on the notion of paying her 10000 to skip 2 missions. I sold the Ultimatum to the scientists the first time. I just got back to to Roseway and still can't enter the lab so hopefully the gun schematics will be enough to progress Passage to anywhere without paying. The game has been amazing so far but this is a pretty bad glitch.
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