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Luke Mallia

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About Luke Mallia

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  1. So has anyone else experienced the bug where Parvati RANDOMLY DIES WHILE YOU'RE ON THE UNRELIABLE, FAILING HER COMPANION QUEST?! ...because I have and it's very disheartening in case you haven't noticed. I'm currently on the quest Radio Free Monarch, but seeing as I had been with Parvati and Nyoka for a fair while on Monarch, I decided to pop back to the Unreliable to drop off some unique weapons, catch up with other companions, and have a 'rest'. I chat to ADA and Felix where I receive new quests from them both, speak to Ellie about things, and then wouldn't you know it, the mission 'Don't Bite The Sun' (Parvati's companion quest) suddenly fails and, on closer inspection, it tells me the reason for it was 'Parvati was killed'...even though I literally saw her on the ship 5 minutes ago. Thank Law for save files because I'd genuinely have had a breakdown if I had lost my favourite engineer.
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