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About yarg-gray

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  1. I finished 2 days ago and was surprised I couldn't free roam and wrap up the side missions I had left. Am a missing something? When I hit "continue" it just takes me to the last boss ( last save before it ended) Thanks
  2. Great article and so damn true. I really don't know what they're going to do to overcome this dumpster fire x100. I've been scratching my head for a few years now wondering how can Bethesda publish some gorgeous games (Doom, Wolf/Colossus, Dishonored, etc.) and still push out garbage. I thought for sure 76 would of been a huge graphic improvement but it's seriously copied-and-pasted from FO4 and FO4 is PS3 looking. I own the games mentioned above and they don't crash my PS4 every hour (without mods) at all. The worst part of Bethesda Game Studios is Bethesda Game Studios.
  3. Thank you for the explanation. Much appreciated.
  4. I forget the name but the very wealthy planet, you talk to a woman with a streak of red paint across her eyes. I found our conversation a little funny because these people are super rich snobs. She asks you to check out a retirement facility that is located underground. Now I killed everything in sight including the poor maintenance and cleaning robots that are harmless. Upon returning to the surface, the entire city was after me and I died. I went back and tried this again without killing the the poor maintenance and cleaning robots and it worked and I got to talk to the woman who offered me the contract. In this particular world, are you not supposed to kill the cleaning robots all over the place or did I just encounter a bug that I was able to fix by being lucky?
  5. Hello folk, I'm new here. I never played any Fallouts until 4 and loved it. 76 is another story for another forum. When I first started playing this, I was getting a tad bored. However, once you're able to start flying to other planets, that really got my interest going and I must say, I love this game. The galaxy (colonies) seem just the right size. I haven't finished yet so I can't say if the game is too short like I've seen in other postings. I have a ton of side missions to do but I did complete a lot of main quests. It's a gorgeous game, no question and to be 100% honest, I haven't crashed once unlike FO4 where you crash every couple hours without mods.
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