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About Weeto

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    Gaming, Art, and bunch of other things!
  1. Good Afternoon, I pre-ordered Outer Worlds for my PS4 and so far I absolutely love the game. The only glaring issue is that I am a person who needs subtitles, and enjoys reading every little thing in my inventory, especially with a game thats very lore/mechanics heavy. I have not been able to play the game beyond the first few hours due to how absolutely TINY the font/text size displays on my 52" television. I am not even sitting that far away and its an absolute nightmare to read for any long amount of time, or catch subtitles as they go by. I really don't want to have to hover in front of my TV and ruin my eyes to play, but I hope there can be some sort of fix to this...as I am strugging really hard to play it and will have to figure out some alternative before I can enjoy it again. Thank you so much for your time! Kind Regards
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