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About Dave_77

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  1. Kinda surprised that key re-binding is not one of the first things being addressing in initial patches. Their is a small collection of inputs that are currently hard bound and hence not re-mappable - like inventory, map, ledger, companion menu etc etc. Theses inputs need to be made re-mappable, so we can re-bind them if we want to. Thanks.
  2. Just to make a point, the topic title was revised when the thread was moved to the tech support section, and seems to have been combined with another thread on hotkeys. But the title doesn't really convey the inference of the (my) initial topic - which is to please allow rebinding of ALL key inputs, including those currently hard-locked for inventory, map, ledger, companion menu etc etc. Basically please allow any currently hard-locked key inputs to be re-mappable, that's it really. Thank you.
  3. Yes please allow us to remap all key inputs. I'm a right side KB user too (cause of damaged tendons in my hand) and these hard locked key inputs is going to kill my experience with the game alot. Please please please alow rebinding of ALL key inputs please obsidian.
  4. I'm confused why there are some inputs that are hard-bound and cannot be rebound ? We can rebind practically everything else - why not the inventory key and map key and such ?? Loot and items are big part of games like this, and hence the average player is probably going in and out of their inventory screen many many times during a play session. Same goes fo the map too. In fact, after the mouse buttons and directional inputs, i'd say the map and inventory inputs are some of the most heavily used keys inputs you're gonna use - so to not allow the player to rebind these keys to other keys they prefer seems a bit odd to say the least. I remember NMS did this too - and it really kinda ruined the experience for me. Please allow rebinding of all key inputs.
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