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About Zaphod

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    Cedar Rapids, Iowa - USA
  1. Kreia saids that "after a Jedi is killed there is a great echo in the force", "everything that it touches can no longer support life"(or something to that degree). Revan and the Exile are both extremly powerful Jedi so whoever was slain would leave such a great echo it would destroy everything within it's wake. Killing the winning opponent too. So I believe it would be pointless for them to fight anyway.
  2. Telos is the worst planet in the game. It has too many quests. I've played the game about 6 times now and I still get confused on some of the quests. Where are the two escaped criminals you have to find. I know you go to the surface of Telos but they're never there. Where do you find the Fuel Source. I talk to Goto and he saids not to get fuel from the Hutts, so where am I supposed to get the fuel from?
  3. Kreia isn't a Jedi or a Sith. Kreia represents something else entirely.
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