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About VincentReus

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  1. Okay guys problem solved. You know what i needed to do? A main quest on Hasongo... Right after turning the lantern on she approach me right in the lantern and we started dating so all i had to do was the main quest.
  2. No they are not i am pretty sure about that. Man that means i need to lower her reputation and also i didint sacrefice Kana and have good reputation with RDC so maybe i will need to lower it eh..
  3. Hello watchers ! I have this problem with Maia cause i couldn't decide if is should choose Xoti or Maia for my romance option so they were both in my party all the time. I got most approval form both while i was flirting with Xoti but when she approched me after a kiss i said its not a good idea (everything during one chat ). I decided then already that i want to romance Maia but after a while Xoti said she is in love with Maia and Maia said she was in love with Xoti XD Of course i said to both of them to not engage in any kind of romantic realationship and i thought Maia will eventually come to me but... It's like 8 hours of game since the moment and i tried to talk to her, did her personal quest ( EVEN BEFORE XOTI APPROACHED ME ) and did a lot of dead fire comapny quests and ... nothing. I thought i have to wait but Teheku wanted to start a relationship with me and i dont even have the highest approval with him. Is there a place i could go to or some kind of quest that will trigger her romance? I know i have to do some dumb shark meat quest but i am kinda worrying it will not happen after 30 hours of her being in the party... And sugesstions?
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