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About Mannimark

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  1. What made BG good was it told an epic story spanning many games, and let you keep the same character. Following that logic, if PoE is the spiritual successor to BG and hopes to surpass it then we have not seen the last of the watcher. I suspect the next game will involve what happens after the wheel goes down. To answer the 'plot hole' so many people seem to think exists regarding what the world was like before the wheel was made: it was normal. Souls still existed, but they transmigrated somewhere else at death. Like a d&d setting, they went to the Great Beyond and NOBODY KNOWS what happened to them. That's why death is called the great unknown mystery. The 'gods' are a bunch of jerks who decided to co-opt that process and draw power from it. They built a hydroelectric dam and recycled the water endlessly instead of letting it return to the sea, like it should, until kith accepted that as the natural order of things, even though it absolutely wasn't. And if you figured it out the Leaden Key would come along and stab you or set you on fire or whatevers in fashion at the time. I see no plot holes there at all. It's a well thought out plot written by someone with a solid grasp of existential philosophy. As for what happens next, the gods just got exposed as a bunch of seriously amoral (read: psychopathic) people who massacred a whole civilization and nomed their souls so they could move into the Great Beyond and play "lol I'm a super sayan". Now they can't feed on the ambient energy of reincarnation. So they're starving and desperate to keep their power. So the plot is probably "God War" Understand, the gods in this setting have been clearly established as narcissistic and evil. Woedica? Evil. Magran? Evil. Slain? Evil. Ondra? Stupendously evil. The best of them are neutral. Maybe. Hyalea seems like a ditz who doesn't do much. They routinely murder and ruin entire cultures for very little reason at all. They don't act like representations of advanced concepts related to the mortal condition who care about their followers spiritual growth. They act like the Olympians. When you cross the Olympians, they throw tantrums and break stuff and curse people. They release the kraken. They sire demigod offspring. They try to intimidate mortals into obedience. Or at least, I hope they try.
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