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Everything posted by shadowplay107

  1. I agree with both of you completely about K2 as for K1, thats just my opinion
  2. My favorites from K1 are well pretty much all of them my least favorite though would be Endar spire, Kashyyyk and Taris As for K2 my favorites would again be all of them but my least favorite would be Peragus, Telos Citadel and Telos
  3. GO-TO is a very unpopular character, as i thought anyway but this poll is proving it. i think he could have been a much better character if he had more abilities, a lot more
  4. yea i agree, i usually hate wookies but he is cool because he is a real beast
  5. (By optional i mean the characters you can chose by gender/alignment, not if you want them or not ) My favorite is Canderous(Mandalore) just before HK-47 who i would put just before Bao-Dur and my fav. optional character would be handmaiden.
  6. ive also searched for the font with no success and hope someone will have that font
  7. ahaha they are fun and everything but i guess their just not very spectacular to me
  8. u might benefit from knowing that ive played as a consoler 2 or 3 times and much prefer da guardian
  9. i was a jedi guardian in both K1 and 2 the 1st time i played and they are cool if you can understand what to do with them plus i love force jump and near the end you can do massive damage with it and then i love being able to stand there and take a few hits rather then having to use shields, stims and med packs or run away if the enemies are too strong like a consoler would. however like almost all magic type characters in games they are awesome at the end with the force powers.
  10. i found that to be a load of crap and it was just 1 guys random naive opinion.
  11. Requirements: about 15+ persuade skill 1 treat injury skill 1. Head to Nar Shadaa's refugee sector and look for the Serroco gang and defeat them. 2. Talk to Hussef (in the center of the refugee camp) and get a quest from him to convince the Exchange to lessen their pressure on the refugees. 3. Find Geriel, he's the sick refugee. Talk to him to get a journal entry (Plague Carrier). You can attempt to cure him but you must be unsuccessful or the whole method for the glitch would end here, hence the low treat injury skill requirement. 4. Talk to Saquesh, the squid-guy boss of the Exchange for that sector. You can talk to him about several things but the following topic is essential for the glitch. (conversation paraphrase) a-There is a diseased refugee... b-[Persuade] If you don't lessen your hold the disease... c-I do not have the means to cure d-bottommost option (closes out the conversation) 5. You'll get a journal entry saying you've defeated the Serroco gang and persuaded the Exchange... as well as 1000exp. 6. Repeat the conversation flow in step 4 as many times as you want to keep getting a journal entry, and 1000 exp. NOTE: As long as Geriel (sick refugee) isn't cured or killed, and you didn't kill Saquesh (Exchange sector boss), you can keep repeating the trick for infinite EXP. No battle, no need to recharge FPs, and its good for both LS and DS characters.
  12. the secret academy isnt a planet but its on the planet malachore V and theres also a better ifinate exp glitch on nar shadaa Actually, I think the secret academy he's speaking of, is Atris' academy on Telos. perhaps but there both secret academy's
  13. the secret academy isnt a planet but its on the planet malachore V and theres also a better ifinate exp glitch on nar shadaa
  14. ive already made a similar post for this http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=48361
  15. cyan and the mandalorians, next would be the iridonians.
  16. Wasn't Anakin's first step towards the Dark Side falling in love? yes but what i mean is not love in a husband and wife way but love for humanity, nature etc etc
  17. its not meant to be. its just funny random stuff that will almost never happen but is related to KOTOR or playing KOTOR
  18. canderous isnt really dark sided its just mandalorians naturally like violence and fighting. so if you were to compare him to other mandalorians then he would be neutral or maybe even good if the mandalorians were judging it seeing as how he is mandalore and a natural leader
  19. jolee was naturally LS but he was annoyed at the fact of only doing good and trying to do just that so he decided to just let nature do what it must and only if the DS intervened then he would too.
  20. You both consider yourselves to be someone who has five postings - pitiful. Just look at Shadowplay, he, or she, only has fourteen... thats he and this is my topic and my most are my questions
  21. haha . so true
  22. ok im just going to say this to the dark side severs... how many of you would actually go act like the sith and just murder someone just for the sake of it? i would think hardly any of you, and do you know why? because the severs of he dark side are weak, and as for the severs of the light side, they can go help people and act like jedi without even knowing it. so just ask your self "why take interest in the dark side when you could never really be like that." then give me one good reason why you feel the need to defend them, is it just because you feel better saying crap like that, or do you want to be evil and end up as a pathetic low life scum bag?
  23. thanks 4 the replies but i still think they have flaws because one of the jedi masters even said that the jedi code had its flaws and if the sith code is the opposite then there would be flaws in that too.
  24. i can't think of where it says there is no passion inside of killing.
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