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About Lobselvith

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. well, there was Bulders Gate, you could go through the whole story with a few friends as I recall. and that was back in 1998.
  2. it would be nice to blow a hole in someone and have them reach down and try to feel if they still have a stomach, and when they feel there is a hole were their stomach used to be they fall over dead. fun stuff like that.
  3. yeah, this is would be great to be able to holster our weapons, but also have consequences if we do not holster our weapon when we talk to an NPC. depending on who it is we are talking to.
  4. nice The Outer Worlds looks like its going to be a great game, though I see so many people comparing it to Fallout 4/76 I think making a comparision between Fallout 4/76 and The Outer Worlds just isn't right they are both very different games, Fallout 4/76 takes place on Earth after nuclear war / Fallout, The Outer Worlds is a space Scifi game the only simularities are they both are RPGs, and both Scifi. Thats about it. I think to focus more on The Outer Worlds as being its own game will strengthen its appeal.
  5. I love games like The Outer Worlds <3 Sci-fi RPGs, and having player choices and consequences for our actions with a dash of dark humor. What makes a game like this even better is being able to customize our character a bit both in how they look, male or female, hight and weight, sexy or ugly ETC, and of course, "skill/perk choices which I'm sure will be in the game" any word on character customization? What would everyone else like to see in character customization?
  6. Sort of like Borderlands did it, you could go throughout the full story playing co-op. with up to 3 other people. I'd love this, always fun playing games like this with friends.
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