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Everything posted by Nigga4Life

  1. gonna play 50 cent bulletproof and finish it then play 25 to life online
  2. Kill every *person that has sexual relations with his/her mother* that gets in my way
  3. listeng to two bitches on this forum jedi killer and krookie
  4. go *uck your mama ****

  5. you and chris are gay

  6. nah krookie's the white boy he's lucky i don't *uckin kill him

  7. you and chris are gay

  8. and go **** your mama bitch

  9. hey laozi tell jedi killer to kill himself and get with me

  10. ignore chris hes just talking out of his ass

  11. just got back from my brother's to get my car
  12. and krookie that was a stupid ass joke you say that **** in compton youll get your ass killed

  13. sorry to about your mother

  14. if you both want to hit on laozi i suggest youll stop selling drugs and killing people and focus on the women unless you want a girl that's a crackhead

  15. anybody have plans
  16. going to play 25 to life
  17. dude rock sucks
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